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The sound of Beomgyu's alarm soon filled the room. He stretched his body as he got up from the bed.

'Time for a round of league' he thought.

He left the bed and turned his pc on, entering his bathroom right after to get ready. Soon after he finished, he rushed to his pc that was signed in and loaded.

Clicking on League of Legends, he was now ready to play before the bus came.

And lucky for him, he's got 2 hours.

Halfway into the game, he heard his doorbell ring. Just an hour left of game time, too. Quickly, he ran out of his room, up the stairs, and opened the front door.

His room is in the basement. It's nicer and cooler.

"Taehyun?" Beomgyu exclaimed as he saw who was at his door.

"Hey, Beomie." He chuckled, letting himself inside.

Beomgyu just stood there, a tiny bit flustered by the sudden appearance and the nickname he just got.

Beomie, yeah that had a nice ring to it. It's like the nickname he gave Taehyun. Taehyunie.

"What are you doing here? The bus doesn't come in another 47 minutes." Beomgyu stated, checking his phone/digital clock.

"Yeah, my mom drops me off at the bus stop an hour early so I can have time to feel at peace. It calms my nerves and makes me feel more awake enough to feel better for the school day. Not sure if it really works though." Taehyun shrugged.

"Uh.. OH MY LEAGUE GAME!" Beomgyu ran up the stairs in panic. Taehyun smiled and followed him up.

There on the screen was the words 'Defeat'. Beomgyu's jaw dropped at the sight, sighing to himself after composing what has happened.

"Oh well, at least you're here to cheer me up, right?" Beomgyu questioned.

"Yup! We can play a game before the bus comes if you want?" Taehyun asked.

"Sure! How about we play Minecraft?"

"Yeah, ok! Add me."

"Same user, BeomCute."

"Mine's TaeKCare."

"Huh, interesting username." Beomgyu blinked.

"TaeKCare, Take care." He stated blankly.


"I'll create the world, join me." Taehyun created a survival world with cheats.

"I'm joining!" Beomgyu exclaimed happily.

Then his alarm rang.

"Eh, already? Minecraft sure takes a while to set up..." Beomgyu frowned at his ringing alarm.

An hour has already passed.

"Alright, let's go. This wayy!" Beomgyu said as he grabbed his backpack, Taehyun grabbing his.

He leads the two up the stairs, into the garage, opened it, and they leave.

Just in time, the bus pulls up and they enter, right after Beomgyu closes the garage of course.

Straight to Beomgyu's seat they go. Well, Taegyu's seat.

And off to school they go!

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