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"And that is the end of the lecture. Now take those notes and practice, practice, practice!"

"Oof, finally." Beomgyu sighed. "I thought it'd never end."

"Yeah, same." Taehyun said, getting up. "I learned all this when I was in kindergarten." He rolled his eyes.

"Woah, really? You must be really smart, Taehyunie." Beomgyu's mouth was in an o shape.

"Well yeah. My dad's been teaching me new things every second since the day I could remember things." Taehyun chuckled.

"Teach me your ways." Beomgyu said.

"Of course." And with that they both left class to go to their bus. "You know, I always wondered how people like you game and still get straight A's." He said.

"Oh that? It's my way to cope with stress. Once I finish my job, I go straight to my pc and play a few things before I move onto the next." Beomgyu answered. "It's really bad though since sometimes I'm too into my game I lose track of time and the next day I'm tired as hell.."

(Me finishing work and then gaming til 12am then going onto doing some other shit to sleep at 3am only to wake up at 6am to start gaming again. Lol.)

"I thought you had alarms for everything?" Taehyun asked.

"Nah, that's only for morning routine." Beomgyu giggled.

The bus starts up and they sit in silence as the bus was taking them to their stop. First stop for after school since in the morning it's last stop.

They get off the bus and stand there a bit just to chat. Taehyun got an idea.

"So, since I've been at yours, you wanna come over to my house?" Taehyun asked.

"Oh, sure! Let's go tell my mom first." Beomgyu replied happily before taking Taehyun's hand and skipping over to his house.

The two enter by the garage door, Beomgyu shocked to see a certain car inside. Taehyun just stood in the garage as he waited for Beomgyu to tell his mom.

Entering the house, Beomgyu peaked his head into the kitchen.

"Beomgyu! You're home.." Beomgyu's mom stated.

"Beomgyu." Another voice said from behind her.

"..I'll be going to my friend, Taehyun's house. Bye." Beomgyu said, then leaving the house.

He grabbed Taehyun's hand and they close the garage. "Okie, lead me to your house!" He said cheerfully.

"Yes sir!" And with that, they head on over to Taehyun's house.

With two knocks on the door, a girl who was older than the two let them in. "Oh hey Tae, your friend?"

"Yeah. This is Beomgyu. Beomgyu, this is my sister. Mihyun." Taehyun introduces.

"Nice to meet you, Beomgyu!" She extends her hand for a shake. Beomgyu smiled shyly and accepts the handshake.

"Nice to meet you too!"

"Anyways, we'll be up in my room. Have fun with your date, Miyunie!" And with that, Taehyun and Beomgyu went up to his room.

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