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"So, wanna do anything? I've got video games and I also have movies? Anime?" Taehyun questioned the other as he thought through his choices.

"Oh! Let's watch something. I never got to catch up on Black Clover. It's anime." Beomgyu stated.

"Alright, let's watch it then." Taehyun searched up 'Black Clover' on the search bar. To Beomgyu's surprise, it's on Taehyun's finished list.

"You've finished it already.. we can watch something else if you want?" Beomgyu asked.

"Nah it's cool. Black Clover's one of my favorites. I'd be happy to rewatch a few episodes."

Beomgyu just nods and they head on over to Taehyun's couch he had in his room. They were also wrapped in his blankets.

"Oh! I should go get snacks." Taehyun said. He got off the couch and ran to the kitchen.

Beomgyu hummed to himself as he waited for Taehyun to come back with the snacks.

Three knocks were heard and in came a upset looking Taehyun with no snacks.

"Hey, I think we should cancel the movie. My sister just got home and she doesn't look very well.." Taehyun looked down with disappointment.

"Ah, that's alright. Where's your sister? Tell her to come in here." Beomgyu said. With that, Mihyun came in with tears in her eyes. Her nose was red too. "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Mihyun just nods. Taehyun spoke up for her, right after getting her permission. "Her date didn't go so well. Right when she got there, her date was with another person." He sighed. "Guess online dating really isn't the way."

"It really isn't.." Beomgyu said. Frustration made it's way to Beomgyu's face. "I'm not exactly sure what happened but I wish for you the best.."

Mihyun sniffled. She then cried and ran to her room, slamming the door shut.

"Ah.." Beomgyu started. Taehyun ruffled his hair and walked over to his sister's room.

Beomgyu followed. They try getting her to open up but nothing seems to work. They stop for a while and just wait until she seems to have calmed a bit before Taehyun took out a key. It unlocked all the rooms in the house.

"..sis are you okay?" Taehyun gently whispered. Mihyun shook her head, her head in the pillow. "Want me to comfort you?" She shook her head again.

"C-Can I be alone for the night.." she said into her pillow.

"Yeah, of course.. we'll see you in the morning then. Goodnight, sis." Taehyun said. He waited for a goodnight response, but nothing, and so they left.

Beomgyu just silently followed him. It was upsetting to see Taehyun upset because his sister was upset.

Beomgyu needed to cheer the siblings up. That was his plan for this weekend. "Taehyunie, can I sleep over?"

"Oh. Yeah of course you can. It is getting dark out anyways." Beomgyu nods. "I'll let you sleep on my bed, I'll be on the couch."

Beomgyu shook his head. "Sleep on your bed. I'm the guest and it is your bed after all." Taehyun just shoved him onto the bed, making him gasp in surprise.

"You're staying on the bed and that's final." With that, Taehyun left the room to grab more blankets. Beomgyu just held his chest from the push.

When Taehyun came back, he covered Beomgyu in blankets and laid himself on the couch, covering himself in blankets as well.

Beomgyu thought maybe when Taehyun fell asleep he could put him on the bed and sleep on the couch instead. But no, he fell asleep first.

Taehyun, in the meantime, was staring at the ceiling with a frown on his face. Regretting on a lot of things at that moment.

One he regrets on letting Mihyun go out with some dude she met online and didn't even know that well.

Two he regrets on letting his frustration get the best of him and pushing Beomgyu just because he was so upset.

And three he regrets sleeping on the couch even though Beomgyu said he could be on the bed instead.

But at the same time, he didn't regret it at all. If he didn't choose the couch, Beomgyu would be the one with his back aching.

He looks over at the sleeping Beomgyu in his bed and saw how the blanket wasn't covering him anymore. Not only that but he wasn't even facing the right direction of where the pillows were.

Did he fall asleep like that? Taehyun got up and moved him to a better position, covering him in the blankets again.

Without his mind in the right place, he got into bed with him and tucked himself in as well. Only then did he realize what he did.

But before he could leave, Beomgyu hugged him tightly and made him melt in his touch.

Soon after, he fell fast asleep.

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