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Taehyun is working in his dad's office at the moment. His mind wandered off though, since he couldn't help but was wonder what his beloved Gyu was doing.

"Ughh, dad I'm so bored." He whined, leaning his head on his dad's arm, which he was holding paperwork.

"Tsk, Tae. You have to get used to it someday. Yea, it really is boring, but one day you'll be the head boss and you'll have to be here everyday." Taehyun's dad replied.

"But daaaad I don't wanna work heree! Make Miyunie work here or somethingg!"

"Tae, we've been over this. She can't take over since we need the CEO to be a guy."


"Sexist, Hyun, not racist. Race has nothing to do with whatever we spoke about."

"So racist."


Meanwhile, with Beomgyu. He was just chilling in his room after the talk with Yeonjun.

"Soobinie hyunggg! Did you know, Yeonjunie said he was annoyed whenever you hung out with others without him! But then, he realized you still had time for him so he would rather just be happy you're happy or something!" Beomgyu exclaimed over the phone.

"Oh did he now?" Soobin, Yeonjun's boyfriend, chuckles.

Although Beomgyu and Soobin aren't that close in terms of hanging out and such, they were close enough to tell each other every secret they had.

Yes, Beomgyu met Yeonjun before Soobin, but that doesn't mean he has to tell Yeonjun exactly everything. He will tell Soobin everything, everything! Yeonjun is just his therapist. While Soobin is like, a hole in a tree trunk that you spill your secrets to. Every word doesn't ever leave the trunk.

Ok, back to Taehyun and his dad.

"Alrighty, shift is over for you. Go on, have fun now." Taehyun's dad sighed as he finally stopped Taehyun from begging to leave for almost 3 hours.

Taehyun did a victory dance before leaving his dad's office and ran straight home.

Usually, he would have to leave with his father around 1am, but since he was so eager to leave and his dad couldn't stand him whining over work for 9 whole hours, Taehyun got to leave early and it's 5pm.

Without thinking, he ran straight to Beomgyu's house and rang the doorbell like a million times.

That caught Beomgyu off guard, sitting up on his bed. He quickly told Soobin he had to go and hung up. Before he could even get up, his door flung open and Taehyun ran straight into his arms.

"T-Taehyun?! What are you doing here, I thought you were busy?" Beomgyu exclaimed.

"Yeahh, I was! But my dad let me out early cause I was annoying him on purpose." Taehyun makes an evil chuckle.

"Aha- and how did you get in?"

"Your dad let me in?"

"What? But he wasn't home??"

"Well now you know he is."

The two boys then have the best cuddle session of their lives as they were taking in on each other's scent. Very calming and comforting.

The sound of a picture being taken was heard, making Beomgyu and Taehyun turn their heads towards the sound.

There stood Beomgyu's dad standing next to the door frame of Beomgyu's room, smiling proudly at his son with his phone in hand.

"Dad? What are you doing?" Beomgyu questioned.

"Sending a picture to your mom." He replied with childish giggles before leaving.

Beomgyu and Taehyun looked at each other with the same questioning look.

"Mom?" They say at the same time.

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