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With the sound of Beomgyu's door opening, the two boys woke up.

Beomgyu peeked his head out from the closet with a smile as he sees his mom standing there with a smile on her face as well as she spots her cute son.

"Beomie~ Hello~" she calls out.

"Hi mom! Did you have a good day at work today?" Beomgyu asked.

"Why, yes I did sweetie. Had a total of 106 customers and they were all just as happy as I am." She gleamed with delight.

Taehyun then pops his head out, catching her in surprise. "Hello, I'm Taehyun." He said casually.

"Oh right, this is my boyfriend, mom." Beomgyu chuckles.

"Boyfriend? How long?"

"Since yesterday."

"Ooh! So exciting! You're growing up my dear." She chuckles. "Hope you two last, you're quite as cute as my son."

"Mooom, don't just call my boyfriend cute." Beomgyu frowns.

"It's ok Gyu. It's the truth." Taehyun stated. Beomgyu looks over at him in disbelief. With a smug on his face, Taehyun ruffles Beomgyu's hair and pops his head back into the closet.

Beomgyu does the same. His mom just stood there, amused by the sight before going to Beomgyu's bathroom to take a shower.

Hours have passed since then and the two boys were just sprawled on top of the mattress playing a 2 player tycoon on Roblox. Beomgyu had his speakers on so there was background music yet it was completely ignored as the two just talked about random things.

"What's your favorite disney princess movie?" Taehyun had asked.

"Hmm, maybe Tangled." Beomgyu stated.

"Nice, same."

"Rapunzel supremacy."

"I know right."

Yeah, their conversations were like that. Really random.

"Ughh, this stupid bot keeps killing me." Beomgyu exclaimed as a person doing another tycoon kept throwing swords and laser beams at him.

"Then kill him back." Taehyun said.

"But that's kinda mean."

"Dude, they're literally doing that to you. Do it back."

"But I can't-"

"Ugh, fine I'll do it."

Let's just say that Taehyun destroyed some kids and they stopped bothering Beomgyu.

"I'm getting bored of this tycoon."

"Let's play a different game then."

"No no, I want to cuddle." Beomgyu then yeets his phone away and climbed on top of Taehyun.

"Ooh, you wanna cuddle, ok then." Taehyun yeets his phone away as well.

And that is what they did for the rest of the day.

Until Beomgyu had a sudden realization that they had school tomorrow and they still haven't done their homework so their cuddle session had to be cut short and they did their homework before going back to their cuddling and then Taehyun's sister called to tell him to get home cause his dad needed him for work stuff so cuddling was cut again and Taehyun had to go home instead of staying the night which left them both very sad and depressing but that is ok because they spent a lot of time together and they will see each other again tomorrow.

Maybe >:)

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