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"..she what?"

"Your mother was poisoned. She only had minutes left to live, Taehyun called me just in time to stop the poison from going through her heart. Though, her lungs aren't stable enough for her to leave the hospital for a couple of days."

"How did she get poisoned? Nothing even happened- wait." Beomgyu pauses.

He looks over at Taehyun with a blank face.

Taehyun frowns, and nods. "We have something to report." He says.

The nurse stops the two from talking any further. She guides them over to room with just a table and a few chairs.

"You may now speak. Anything said here will be privately recorded until taken to the police."

"Uhm, ok, where should I start? Uh.." Beomgyu mumbles.

"There is a guy at his house. He looks identical to his dad, but he isn't Beomgyu's dad." Taehyun stated.

"Hm, continue."

"Well- I mean, he was being really cheerful and nice towards my mom, which normally he really isn't since he really, really, despises her." Beomgyu rambled. He was panicking in some sort.

"Shh, let me speak, Beomie." Taehyun whispered. Beomgyu just nods. "That guy made us this entire meal right before she came home. I think he planned to poison Beomgyu's mom and Beomgyu. I don't know about me though?"

"Me too??" Beomgyu questioned. Taehyun shrugs.

"Here, you guys take a while to think a bit. I can get them to go over to Beomgyu's house to see if they can find something suspicious." The nurse says.

Taehyun speaks up again. "Oh, and we saw that guy rummaging through Beomgyu's parents' drawers and closet." He said.

"Ok, I'll send someone now. You two can go rest at Taehyun's house for now, alright? Taehyun, if anything happens to Beomgyu, you, or anyone else in your family, make sure to call the police right away. We will go straight to you since the CEO's death was big."

"Ok.." the two leaves. "To be honest, that nurse was even more weird than the man in your house." Taehyun states.

"Yeah, they brought us to that room just for a talk?" Beomgyu scoffed. "What's wrong with speaking in public about this matter?"

"Cause your dad is the CEO of korea's biggest company?"

"Oh shush, he's not that famous."

They walk over to Taehyun's house, but stop at Beomgyu's first. "We should go inside and see if we can find anything ourselves." Taehyun whispers.

"You crazy? That man could still be there."

"Hey, we need to figure things out ourselves. Not everyone can be too trusting. Don't you remember any of that from the many shooting story games we played together?"

"Right.. ok let's go I guess. But if we die I blame it all on you." Beomgyu pouts.

"We won't die." Taehyun rolls his eyes, opening Beomgyu's window.

They sneak into his closet to grab Beomgyu's precious polaroid camera.

(It's likee a pooolaroid love! Hehe!)

"Hm, this could come in handy." Beomgyu whispers. Taehyun nods.

The two sneak up the non-creaking stairs. They see the kitchen has not been moved, everything was the same as before.

Quickly, Taehyun rushed over to the table, Beomgyu following behind. They search the table for any clues to where the poison lies.

Beomgyu see's a powder of something on the counter nearby all the dirty pots and pans. He takes a picture.

Taehyun sighs as the click of the camera made such a loud noise. "You keep looking here, I'm going up." He whispers, pointing at the stairs.

"There's no way I'm letting you go up there alone!"

"Hey, don't worry. I can handle this. I'll be safe, promise." Taehyun ruffles Beomgyu's hair.

"Safe? We're literally in a murder mystery right now!" Beomgyu exclaimed.

"Shhh, hey. It'll be ok. If something happens down here though, run, don't come for me. I'll make it out once I hear that you are safe." Taehyun gives Beomgyu a peck on the lips.

Hesitating, Beomgyu finally lets Taehyun go.

(This is so dumb wtf.)

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