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It's now morning. Beomgyu had Taehyun change into one of his clothes that fit perfectly before the two hurry over to Beomgyu's pc for a bit of gaming.

At this point, Beomgyu's mom was wide awake and at work. She worked at a really popular café that had a pay like $25 an hour.

She might not be as rich as Beomgyu's dad, but she had enough to be apart of the rich life. Not with anyone's money. She did this with all her hard work and made this rich life all on her own.

The two boys were playing Minecraft once again as they actually joined each other this time. They continued to play the survival world until it was time to go to school.

Taehyun was really good at Minecraft, so much that Beomgyu could say he is a pro.

As for Beomgyu, he's just decent at it. He's ok in building and would die really quickly if he went mining. But Taehyun, his builds were really pretty and creative and he has never died when mining besides this one time a creeper snuck up behind him and exploded which made him lose all this things and had to start all over again and that was just frustrating.

There was also this one time his cousin accidentally hit him at half a heart. He had diamonds on him. But that doesn't count since his cousin also ended up getting his stuff back for him.

"AHH!" Beomgyu screamed suddenly. Taehyun looked up from his phone and at Beomgyu's pc which had the words 'You died!' on it. On the bottom, the words 'BeomCute was struck by lightning' were also there.

Taehyun stifled his laugh before bursting out laughing. The pout on Beomgyu's face made him laugh even harder.

"It's not funny!" Beomgyu whined, the pout never leaving.

"Sorry! It just really is funny! Hahah!" Taehyun wipes a fake tear away.

"Hmph. I'm leaving!" Beomgyu exclaimed before closing out if Minecraft.

"Owh, you know we still have 30 more minutes til the bus comes." Taehyun stated, closing out of Minecraft as well.

Beomgyu held his chin as he thought about what to do. He then smirks and tackles Taehyun onto the bed, pinning his arms.

"I have a great idea." Beomgyu started. He lowers himself closer to Taehyun's face. "Kissies?"

"Hmm.." Taehyun smiled and brought his face up, kissing Beomgyu softly. Their eyes naturally close by themselves as they kissed each other.

Beomgyu loosened his hands that were holding Taehyun's arms down, which he used that chance to flip them over with Taehyun on top this time.

Sadly, their kissing time was over as Beomgyu's alarm to leave the house rang. No idea how 30 minutes felt like 3 minutes, but that's a good thing though, since things could've escalated.

So they head off to the bus, leaving from the garage.

Meanwhile, Beomgyu's dad was chilling in the corner of the hallway. "Hmm.. interesting.." he said before leaving up the stairs.

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