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Beomgyu's day started off great. His morning routine of course, getting ready then gaming for 2 hours before going to the bus.

But of course it was quickly ruined when he didn't find his boyfriend on the bus.

Throughout the day, Beomgyu could only wonder where Taehyun had been. He didn't show up to their hangout spot on the stairs. He didn't come to the library. He also never showed up to their music class, which is at the very end of the day. Even the bus ride home, Beomgyu was alone.

And so he decided to show up to Taehyun's house to see why he wasn't there. But to add on to his frustration, his sister opened up.

"Hey, what's up?" Mihyun asked.

"Uhm, where's Taehyunie? He hasn't been at school all day." Beomgyu replies.

"Oh.. about that.." she sighs. "My dad forced Taehyun to work today, he couldn't go to school and he won't be back til late at night."

"Work..?" He questions with a head tilt.

Mihyun nods. "Mhm, my dad takes Tae to work with him sometimes whenever he needs some support." She explains.

"Oh. Then, I'll get going." Beomgyu frowns a bit. "Thanks for telling me."

"No problem. Get home safe." Mihyun then closes the door.

Beomgyu stood there feeling his mood go down even more. Things weren't going his way and that made him upset. He just wanted to be with Taehyun all day long. Clingy behavior, just like the author.

And so, Beomgyu set off. He walked slowly down the street and passed his house to a small shop.

There were a bunch of random gadgets people brought in to give away. One time, Beomgyu found a giant panda squishy plushie that was only 3 dollars that the owner kept super clean that he just had to buy it and was his cuddle buddy all throughout middle and half of high school. Once again, clingy behavior.

The shop was his happy place. Since he is a regular, or a once in a while regular, the owners knew him very well. They were his entertainment whenever he was feeling down.

"Ah, hello again Beomgyu! Tough day today?" The owner questions. Yeah, he only comes in whenever he's upset. It's actually more frequent than occasional.

Beomgyu just nods to what the owner said.

"Hmm, want to talk about it?" The owner asks again.

Beomgyu sighs before nodding. The two enter the back of the shop and quickly sit down, ready for Beomgyu's therapy lesson.

"Ok so, this might sound kinda silly.." Beomgyu chuckles.

"Oh? Tell."

"I have a boyfriend now."

"Woah, that's amazing news! So what's up?"

"Uhm.. he was busy.. so he didn't come to school. It made me feel really hurt and I feel selfish for wishing he didn't go and went to school. I wish he came to me instead of work."

The owner thought for a second. "Hey, don't worry. This is normal for a relationship. You see, I felt the same at first with my boyfriend. He studied abroad so I was kinda upset he wasn't always there with me and did other stuff. I even felt annoyed whenever he was hanging out with others and not me. But as time grew, I realized he always made time for me. He has always made me happy even when we weren't together."

"Oh.. so you're saying, when time pasts, I'll get used to it?" Beomgyu raised a brow.

"It will take a long time, but yes. You will at some point. And if you don't, well I guess you just love him too much, haha!"

Beomgyu giggles. "I feel a little bit better now. Thank you, Yeonjun."

"You're welcome, Beomgyu."


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