Chapter Thirty-Two: The Last Two Letters

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Alex's POV:

Nina and I get to the hospital. Nina was seeing a specialist and her cancer doctor, so we couldn't just go to a regular doctor's office. When we get there, Joan and Mr. P are already there. "Hey, Nina, honey," Joan said, hugging Nina. "Hello, Alex," she said after she pulled away from her hug with Nina.

"Hi, Mrs. Myers. Mr. P," I say. He nods to me. Then Nina announces that she has to go pee, but no one, as in her mother, volunteers to go with her. They just both let her go.

"Alex," Joan said. "We have to talk to you and you can't tell Nina."

"Why?" I ask.

"It's just about the dangers and things that could go wrong with the pregnancy, and we just don't need her worrying about anything else, especially this early in the pregnancy, worrying and too much stress could cause problems, too," she responds.

"Okay," I nod, "I won't tell her."

"Well, since she has cancer, there is a chance, since this wasn't meant to happen in the beginning, that the baby could die during birth. A higher chance than anything. Also she shouldn't do more than eat, sleep, rest, and learn 4 hours a day," Mr. P says.

I nod. That's all a pregnant woman should have to do anyways. But the part about the baby not even being able to be born was the worst part of it all. That would literally destroy Nina. Joan was about to say something, but then I felt a hand on my arm. "Hey," Nina said. I turned around, caught off guard. "Oh, sorry," she said. "Didn't mean to scare you."

"No," I said, shaking my head, "You're fine." I wrapped my arm around her.

"Nina Myers?" The doctor said. We turned around. There was Nina's doctor. Dr. Sullivan. "I'm ready for you now." Then she nods for Nina to follow her.

Nina and I both follow her and her parents stay behind. When we finally reach the room in which she'll be treating Nina, she asks Nina to sit on one of those doctor's beds that you use for a check-up.

"Hey, Nina," Dr. Sullivan said. "How have you been?" She asked.

"Fine," Nina said. "I just want to get on with my appointment, I'm just ready to know...everything." Dr. Sullivan nods.

"Of course, we'll first check for any signs of Leukemia in your blood and if there is to check and see if any bacteria has traveled into the baby's veins." Nina nods.

"Okay," she says, "So we'll start with a MRI to check for any spread of cancer, or to whether the cancer is minimizing or growing." Nina nodded.

The doctor led us out of the check-up room and down the hallway to an elevator. We ended up on the floor for examing cancer patients. We followed her into a room. Inside was a huge glass window and a door leading into the room in which was shown by the glass window.

"Alright, Nina, you've done an MRI before, so," she pointed to the room.

"What about the gown?" Nina ask.

"We can accurately find out with just you're regular clothes, considering the case at hand," she said referring to Nina's pregnancy. She nodded.

Nina then headed through the door and into the room with the circular, scanning table. She took her jacket off and laid it on the floor. She was about to crawl in, when she remembered that she was pregnant, and couldn't do it that way. She looked through the glass to Dr. Sullivan. Then Dr. Sullivan went through the door to help Nina.

She helped Nina lift herself backwards onto the table that she had to lay on. Once Nina was up there, Dr. Sullivan came back out. She picked up a remote and nodded to Nina. Nina laid flat on her back, hands to her side and toes pointed. She lay completely still. Then Dr. Sullivan pressed a button on the remote in her hand, and a light inside the tube came on.


After Nina got the MRI, then we went to get her sonogram. After the MRI, Dr. Sullivan told us that there was no spread of cancer in Nina's blood. She said that they found no cancer whatsoever. Which was amazing news for everyone. Especially Nina. Not only did she get to have a child after she was told it would never happen, but she was also in remission.

The sonogram went really well. I held Nina's hand the whole time, and we both watched as the screen showed our son. We were having a boy. Nina was so excited. She asked for three copies of the sonogram pictures. One for her, one for me, and one for the baby book. So after all of this, we grabbed some McDonalds and headed home.

I went to Nina's house to hang out with her for the rest of the day. I asked her if I could finish the letters from her computer. She said yes. So I grabbed her computer and sat on her bed next to her. She rested her head against my arm and closed her eyes. "Can you read them to me?" she asked. "You're voice is so dreamy. It's what I want to go to sleep to every night and wake up to every morning." She said, then she yawned.

"Sure," I said laughing, "Andything for my princess." Then I pulled open the saved Word Document with the remaining two of Nina's letters. "Hey, Alex, so yeah, I'm sorry that I wrote more letters after you asked me not to, and I kind of feel guilty about doing this behind your back, but whatever. We're having a child together, and I think now is not the time to be acting bitchy over little things like that. So I wrote this letter for you and for my child.

I know the dangers and all that could go wrong with this pregnancy. I know that maybe I died with the baby during procedure. I know that maybe I died after the baby was born, due to cancer. And I know the one thing that is tearing me apart, is that the baby won't even get to live past the procedure, and if that's the case, I'll make sure this letter is destroyed, because there's no reason for you to read this letter and to feel whatever hate you will soon have toward me, all over again.

Alex, this is our baby. And no matter what happens, or how this all turns out, I want you and the baby to both know that I love you so much. I already have such a strong attachment to the unborn, living child in my belly. And our parents making us watch Angela is showing me that I'm ready to have this child with you and to be a mom. And to have the family I've always wanted. And I have you to thank, Alex. You gave me the one thing I thought I'd never be able to have.

With love,


"It's true," Nina spoke up, "You did give me the one thing I would always want but could never have. So thank you, Alex. Thank you so much. If I had never moved back here, I wouldn't be having the most intense 8 months of my life." Then she looked up to me. Our eyes staring into each other's deeply.

"I love you, Nina Myers, and I would do anything for you," I replied. She nodded. "I know," she said. "I know." And then she started to doze off into sleep.

"Dear Alex, so, I have a sonogram next week. We'll get to see what gender child we're having. I love that we've been watching Angela, but all this playing with dolls, all of the time, I'm starting to think I want mommy's little boy.

It'd be so cute. Alex, Nina, and Alex Jr. The whole, mini Walker family. Or Jensen, personally, I think that name suits you better. Not that you can't make any name seem hot. You could pull it off if you wanted to. But right now it's 10:45 at night and I'm exhausted.

Don't worry, I may be tired, but this letter isn't over yet. I'll finish it in my next spare for today,"  And that's where it ended. Possibly the last two letters Nina will ever write to me again, and it kind of upsets me. I set Nina's laptop on the floor and slide it under the bed, with as little movements as possible so I don't wake her. Then I wrap my arms around her, pulling her into me, and falling asleep with the love of my life lying in my arms.

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