Seeing You Again

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Laura's POV

The car ride is completely silent. No one says a word as we make our way to the hospital. Thoughts are zooming through my head, most likely like everyone else. No one knows what to expect. We soon reach the hospital building. Everyone slowly exits the car and slowly, steadily, we all walk through the hospital doors.

Vanessa squeezed my hand lightly, holding me up as I try to keep my balance. Rocky goes up to the front desk and asks for Ross's room number. I take a deep breath. Soon, I'll be face to face with him. Millions of possibilities loom in my head of what could happen. Will he be happy? Will he still hate me? I don't have a clue on what to expect.

Rocky came back over to the group. "Room 212." He said. "Let's head up." Everyone squeezes into the elevator and we ride up to the second floor.

My throat is dry and my legs grow weak. I look over to my right at Vanessa, who gives me a smile. I force one in return. Soon, the elevator comes to a halt. My heart beats faster as the medal doors screech open. We all glide out and walk down the hall.

206... 208... 210... 212. We stop. Rocky turns to us. "How are we gonna do this?" We all exchange glances.

Rydel steps up. "I think you guys should go first. Then I'll go in with Vanessa and Laura." All the guys agreed, then slowly entered the room.

I move out of Vanessa's grip and walk to Rydel. "Can I... please see Ross alone?"

She immediately nods. "Of course. I knew you'd probably like to, which is why I wanted to split up." I nodded and thanked her.

Ten minutes or so pass, and the guys finally come back. Rydel and Vanessa go in after they all exit. I lean up against the wall and stare down at the floor. I feel a tear crawl down my face. I wipe it away.

I'm scared. Not because I think Ross will be mad or sad. But because I still don't know what to expect. It's driving me crazy. I see someone approach my side. I look up and see Riker, giving me a look of sympathy. He folds his arms around me and gives me a hug. I lie my head on his chest. I really needed this.

I give Riker a squeeze. "What if he still hates me?" I ask quietly.

Riker tightened our hug. "He won't. He doesn't. I promise." There was a moment of silence. "You know, he asked about you."

I pulled away a bit and looked up at him. "He did...?"

He nods. "He was talking about 'Austin and Ally', but he suddenly stopped. He then began asking about you. He wouldn't stop. 'Is Laura okay? Is she hurt? Is she here?' He'd ask non stop questions trying to make sure you we one-hundred percent alright."

My heart melts as I hear this. Maybe Ross isn't all that mad anymore. That should be a good thing... but it still doesn't erase the fact that I put him in here because of my dumb mistake. I went back into Riker's chest and hugged once more.

Just as we let go a bit later, I hear the door open. Vanessa stood there looking at me. "You can go in now." She says quietly.

I swallow hard. Riker rubs my back, then gently leads me forward. Vanessa steps aside. I take a deep breath, then slowly entered the room.

Rydel stands in front of me with a sad smile. I stare at her for a long moment, then ever so slowly turn my head towards the hospital bed.

There he was.

He stared at me. A long, white blanket was draped over him for warmth. Wires were attached to his arm. He looked so weak and broken. Only reminding me it was my fault in the first place.

A small lump formed in my throat as tears began to pool in my eyes. Rydel rubbed my arm, then left Ross and I alone in the room. There was a long moment of silence. My stomach was turning in knots. Neither of us did anything.

But suddenly, I see a slow, soft smile creep onto his face. It took that simple action to light up the room, and make my heart flutter. He waved his hand at me, signaling a sweet 'hello'. I stared at him with misty eyes, but smiled lightly in return and waved back.

He motioned with his hand for me to come closer to him. Working up all the strength I had, I put one foot in front of the other and made my way over to his bedside. I say down on a chair that was already set in front of him.

Looking at Ross lying here hurts like hell. I saw his hand slowly begin to rise up. He placed his thumb under my eye and wiped my falling tears away. Of course only making me cry harder.

"R-Ross... I-." I started, practically choking out my words. I was cut off by Ross placing his finger on my lips.

"Shhh." He says. We stared into each others eyes, not breaking the gaze. But then, Ross sat up a little bit and opened up his arms. "C'mere." He says softly.

My arms immediately fling around him. I buried my face into his chest and sobbed. I felt Ross nuzzle his head into my hair. His fingers ran through my hair, stroking it lightly. I could tell he was crying too.

"I-I'm... so sorry..." I stuttered.

Ross hugged me tighter. "Don't be." He whispered. "You didn't know what was-"

"No!" I say, shaking my head frantically in his chest. "Don't try and tell me that this wasn't my fault because it was! All of this was my fault, and I'm sorry..."

I squeezed my eyes shut tightly, trying so hard to stop crying. I gripped Ross's hospital shirt, holding on tighter and tighter by the second. I was afraid if I let go, I'd loose him again.

Ross's hand snuck under my face and raised my chin. "Laura, look at me." Struggling to focus with teary eyes, I look up at Ross. Tears were coming out of his eyes too. "I don't want you blaming yourself for this, okay?" He says in a shaky, but serious voice.

I sunk closer and closer to him. "B-but... it was... all my fault-"

"Laura, don't!" He says more sternly. "Don't worry... please. I'm alive and okay... now that you're here with me, everything is going to be alright..."

Our foreheads gently pressed against one another's. I closed my eyes again, taking deep breaths. I slowly nodded. "Okay..." I whispered. We both resume our hug and hold each other tightly. "I missed you... so much..."

I felt Ross's lips softly kiss my forehead. "I missed you, too."

I didn't want to think about the future. I didn't want to be reminded of the past. All I wanted was for this moment to last forever. Because being in Ross's arms, is a feeling I hope to never loose again.


So... Like, it's been like 3,000 years since I've udated this book... Go ahead, scold me. I am ashamed... I sowwy. :(


My loveleys I'm so so so so so so SO sorry for the long wait. Writers block has been killing me for the past week. I saw all my drafts for my stories and I thought it was time to add another chapter.

Even though it seems weird, after this chspter might only be like 1 or 2 more chspters... then it's done! I know, crazy. But you can always read it over again to relieve the whole thing!!

ANYWAYS, that's all bout this book! ^-^

Did you guys hear about the IG page 'Cut4Raura'? That is ridiculous. I mean, I'm a hard core Raura shipper, but t take it that far? Really?

And there are those stupid rumors going around that Laura and Ross are dating different people. I will not believe anything till I get the evidence from Ross and Laura themselves.

Well I'm gonna let you guys go now! Again, so sorry for the wait! I know it's short, but it's something.


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