Hoggers and Italian Food

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*1 Week Later*

Ross's POV:

Rydel, Rocky and I were all in the living room watching TV. I have been bored out of my mind for hours now? Why don't I hang out with Laura, you might ask? Because she's busy. What is she busy with? She's out with Jeff... again. Jeff is really starting to get on my nerves. He has been hogging Laura for the past few days and I barely see her. I sighed as I continued to stare off into space. It might've been louder than I thought.

Rydel: What is it Ross? 'she asks taking notice of Ross'

Ross: *shakes his head*

Rydel: Is this still about Laura hanging out with Jeff?

I stayed quiet.

Rydel: She has been spending a lot of time with him lately. 'she admits'

Ross: *sits up straighter* I know! I can't even hang out with her anymore because she's always out with "Jeff". 'he says making quotations with his fingers' It's like she's too busy for me..

Rydel: She's not too busy for you Ross. She's just trying to catch up with the guy! What would you want to do if Laura went away for like 10 years? I'd imagine you'd want to spend as much time as possible with her.

Ross: Yea, but... I mean, how long exactly does it take to catch up with a guy?!

Rocky: *smiles and turns to Ross* *mocks Trish's voice on A&A* A regular looking guy, a day. A hottie like Jeff, you may never see Laura again.

(A.N. Remember when Elliot was hogging Ally? 😜)

I turn to Rocky and shoot him a glare.

Rydel: Not the time Rock.

Rocky: *holds up his hands in defense* Just trying to lighten the mood!

Rydel: *rolls her eyes and turns to Ross* Well, it's not that late yet. Maybe when she gets home you guys can have some quality boyfriend and girlfriend time!

I thought about that. It would be so nice to finally get Laura to myself. I don't want to make it seem like I want her all to myself, it's just that she has practically been ignoring me. I have asked her to go out with me, but she was always busy with Jeff. I nodded my head.

Ross: I'll try.

Rydel: *claps in excitement* Awesome! You should take her somewhere she would love! Try and win her over Jeff!

Rydel's POV:

That really sounded weird to say. I'm not usually one for competition when it comes to friendships. But Ross is really upset and he's my brother. I don't blame him that he feels so down. Laura HAS been kind of ignoring him lately. Well, not really "ignoring" him. Just kind of, blowing him off because she already had plans made with this Jeff guy. I don't think any of us have ever met Jeff before. Laura showed me a picture of him. And if I do say so myself, he is not bad looking at all! I'd imagine Laura loves hanging out with him! But I know she just hangs out with him because they're friends.

Rocky: You know what? I saw that new Italian restaurant down the street, I think it just opened up yesterday. You know Laura loves that kind of food. Take her on a romantic date!

Rydel: Rocky, that's actually a good idea!

Ross's POV:

I had to admit, it was. I know Laura loves Italian food and it actually doesn't taste bad. One time, I'd say about a year ago, Laura invited me to a family dinner with her family. They were having Italian food and she wanted me to come. I had never exactly tried that kind of food and was questioning whether or not I should go. But I of course did and had a blast with her family. I tried the foods and they weren't half bad. Laura was so cute though. I remember it was me on one side of her at the table and Vanessa on the other. Vanessa was saying something to Laura when all of a sudden I hear a sneeze. I then hear a small gasp quickly after it. I turn my head and Vanessa is apologizing, but clearly trying to hold in a laugh. Laura then turns her head towards me. I almost choked trying to hold in my laugh. Laura had tomato sauce all over her face. She was smiling, which indicated to all of us she knew what we were trying not to laugh at. I then offered to get her cleaned up. I took her into the kitchen and got a few wet paper towels. Laura kept admiring her face in the mirror. I remember her turning to me with the weirdest face that just makes me crack up. Then I started helping her clean up her face.

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