Wonders And Worries

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Laura's POV:

I walked down the sidewalk and into the parking lot of the hotel building on the other side of town. This was the hotel Tony was staying at. It's getting late, and I don't know where else to go. I dried my tears as I walked through the glass doors. I looked around the lobby. This is a nice place. I've never been in here before. It seems cozy. I texted Tony asking if I could come visit. He gladly agreed and told me to come right away. He said his room was on the second floor, room 105. I walked over to the elevator and pressed the boarding button. The doors screeched open. I walked inside, pressed the 2 button and rode up to the second floor. When I reached my stop, I walked down the hallway to the right 'til I came to room 105. I quietly knocked on the door. I waited for a moment, then it opened up. I look up to see Tony. He smiled.

Tony: Hey Laura. :)

I gave him a weak smile. I could instantly tell he knew something was wrong. I am such a horrible liar.

Tony: What's wrong?

I swallowed hard and looked down at the ground. I don't know if I can bare telling him everything that just occurred a short while ago.

Tony: Come in.

I stepped into the hotel room and looked around. There were two queen sized beds in the far end of the room, a small TV, a table with two chairs, a bathroom, and a small area with a mini fridge.

Laura: Where is everyone? 'she asks quietly'

Tony: My parents took Chloe to the park. So that gives us a bit of alone time so you can just talk.

I slowly nodded my head, feeling a bit more relieved. Tony grabbed my arm and brought me over to one of the beds. He sat me down right next to him.

Tony: Laura, what's up? You can talk to me. Because I feel like it's more than just "girl problems" that's bugging you.

I stared up at him. Tears formed in my eyes. I then just let loose like a cannon and told him everything that had happened to me. From the very beginning of it all. So far back in the beginning, even to when Ross thought Tony and I were a thing. It threw Tony off too. But then I came to Jeff. All of the madness mainly began with Jeff. By the time I was done saying everything, my eyes were stinging by all the tears that were forming. My throat was dry from trying to choke out my words through sobs. Tony had an arm around me. He rubbed my arm trying his best to calm me down. I relaxed my head on his shoulder and tried my best to quit crying.

Tony: Oh Laura, I'm so sorry all of this happened to you.

I could tell he was having trouble figuring out what to say. I wouldn't blame him either. But I admire that he's always trying to help.

Laura: I don't know what to do... 'she sobs' I feel like I've lost everything that's important to me.

Tony: You didn't loose him Laura. I really just think some time away is the best thing right now. Maybe you both just need to take a breather for a while. Let him cool off, and I'm honestly sure everything will work out.

I slowly turned to him.

Laura: You think so?

He smiled.

Tony: I know so. :)

I gave him a little smile.

Laura: Thanks.

Tony: *nods and smiles*

I looked down at my lap.

Laura: Maybe you're right. I have been spending almost all of my time with the Lynches for awhile now because of me living at their house. And, maybe a break right now is for the best.

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