The Kiss

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Ross: ...New York

Laura: New York?

Ross: *nods*

Laura: Oh my gosh Ross that's awesome!!

Ross's POV

Wait, she's not upset?

Ross: Your not upset?

Laura: Well, I mean, yea I'm a little upset your leaving. But I am also really happy for you!

Ross: *shrugs*

Laura: How long will you be away?

Ross: Like a week.

Laura: Oh. Cool.

Ross: *shrugs again*

Laura: But hey, don't think of it as the week we're not gonna be together. Think of it as the week your gonna, go hang with your family and have a blast in New York!

Ross: Yea, I guess.

Laura: *smiles* C'mon Ross. Smile!

Ross: *just looks up at Laura with no expression*

Laura: *makes puppy dog eyes and sticks out her bottom lip*

Ross: *looks down and smiles*

Laura: *smiles* There it is! :)

I couldn't help but smile at Laura when she did that. She looked cute when she did that. I saw her walk closer to me. She just looked at me and smiled. I looked up a little more at her. I stood up straight and looked down at her. I smiled back. I couldn't help it. It's like whenever she smiles, I have to smile. It brightens the mood every single time.

Ross: Laura?

Laura: Yea?

Ross: Can I do your hair? :)

Laura: *giggles and smiles* *nods* Why not? :)

I grabbed Laura's hand and pulled her into her bathroom. She sat down on the flat edge of her tub. I grabbed a brush off the sink countertop. I don't really know why I like doing her hair. I just like the way it feels in my hands. Soft and beautiful. I sat down right next to her and turned her so that her back was facing me. I got the brush and started running it through her hair.

Laura's POV:

I liked it when Ross did my hair. It felt soothing when he ran his fingers through my hair. I smiled to myself. He ran the brush through my hair and brushed it out. He then gently brought my hair up and put it into a cute messy bun. It's like what I had before. I put my before bun down because it got a little irritating. But when Ross does it, I love it. He pulled it back tight and I felt his hands leave my hair. He turned me towards him. I smiled at him. He smiled at me as well and played around with my hair a little more. He ruffled the back of my bun and then put his hand down. He looked at me again and smiled.

Ross: There, now your even more beautiful. :)

Laura: *blushes and smiles*

Ross: *smiles*

Laura: *stands up and goes to the mirror* *smiles when she sees her reflection* Pretty. :)

Ross: *stands up and goes by Laura* *puts an arm around her* *smiles at her in the mirror*

Laura: *wraps her arm around him* *smiles at him in the reflection*

Ross: Yea, to be honest this isn't my best work.

Laura: Are you kidding?? This is beautiful!

Ross: *smiles* Well I'm glad you like it. :)

Laura: *smiles* I really do. :)

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