The Break Up

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Laura's POV:

I walked into my empty house and shut the door. No one was gonna be home for some time now. My sister Vanessa went to L.A. for a few weeks to work on "special episodes" of 'Switched at Birth' and my parents took a vacation on a cruise. I was here all alone. But I didn't mind the quiet. It was relaxing. I went over to my phone. 1 new message. I flipped it open. It was from Vanessa. It read;

Hey sis!!! I miss you bunches!! How's it goin'?

I smiled and replied;

I'm doing fine. It's quiet, but okay.

She replied;

Great! I gtg tho! Call me later or something!

I replied;

Okay! Bye luv ya!!

She replied;

Love you! Bye!!

I flipped my phone shut. I decided to take a shower. Before I did, I looked at the clock. 5:30 p.m. Yea, seems reasonable. I went upstairs and hopped in the shower. It took me about 20 minutes. I usually stand there and kind of relax in the hot water. I threw on some comfy sweatpants and a pink tank top with a white heart on it. I slipped on a baggy white NY sweater over it. I walked downstairs and went into the living room. It was almost 6. I decided maybe I could just watch movies for a few hours. I popped in 'The Hunger Games' and sat down on the couch. I grabbed a comforter and wrapped it around me. I grabbed the remote and pressed play.

*1:25 a.m.*

Wow I have been watching movies forever!! I watched 'The Hunger Games', 'The Mortal Instruments', 'Pitch Perfect' and 'The Lion King'. What? Who says I can't be 18 and not watch Disney movies? I looked at clock. 1:25 a.m. Wow. I then felt a buzzing under my covers. It had to be my phone. I felt around for it and flipped it open. 1 new message. Who could be texting me at 1:25 in the morning? I opened the text, it was from Anthony. (A.K.A. her boyfriend) I read it.

Hey Laura, I need to tell you something.

I replied;

Go ahead!

I waited. I sat there for like 3 minutes. Was he okay? Then it buzzed. I opened it up.

Laura, don't take this personally, but... We should break up. I know that I sound like a total jerk for this. Im sorry. I just think we should... see other people. Ive fallen in love with someone else. Im sorry Laura.

I stared at the text. My jaw was hanging open. Tears started forming in my eyes. I just shut my phone and dropped it in my lap. Tears started coming down. How could he do this to me? Was I really that bad? I buried my face into me hands and sat their crying. And over text? Who does that? My eyes were all itchy and wet. I rubbed them. I got up and went into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I saw tears still coming down. I walked back into the living room and looked at my phone on the couch. I suddenly had the urge to be with someone... to be with Ross. I walked over to my phone and picked it up. I once again flipped it open. I went down to Ross's name. I opened a message box. All I said was;


I pressed send and waited for a few minutes. My phone buzzed. Ross. It said;


I replied with a simple;


He replied;

What's wrong?

I replied;

What makes you think something's wrong?

Even though there was something wrong, I just needed to know. He replied;

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