Toothbrush Trouble

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Rydel's POV:
I was pacing back and forth nervously biting my fingernails. The boys will be in the house any second. And I have to tell Ross about Laura and Jeff. I promised Laura I would do this for her... No idea why. I am not the best at telling things like this. But, I have to stay strong. I suddenly heard the front door open up. I stop in place and try my best to act natural.

Rydel: Hey, guys!

Riker: Hey baby sis. :) 'he says kissing her head'

I smiled, but it slowly faded. I watched the rest of my brothers come into the house. I saw that Ratliff had followed them too. He was talking with Rocky and Riker had already went upstairs. Then came in Ross. He was looking more down than ever. He also had... a black eye!?

Rydel: Oh my gosh Ross what happened!?

He looked up at me without a word, and just walked right passed me. He walked down the hallway and disappeared upstairs. I turned to Rocky and Ratliff.

Rocky: He was pretty distracted today. He was super slow, never scored one goal and completely spaced out more than half the time.

My heart broke at those words. I know he may still be mad at Laura, but he is obviously hurting without her. And I still have to make it worse by explaining the whole Jeff thing. Ugh, why me?

Rydel: I'm gonna go talk to him.

Rocky: *nods* He looks like he needs to get things off his chest. I know his sweet sister will help with that. :)

I smiled and gave my brother a quick hug. I then turned down the hallway and up the stairs towards Ross' room. My heart was beating fast. Once I reached the top of the stairs, I walked over to Ross' bedroom door. It was shut. I took a silent deep breath, then quietly knocked. I waited for a moment.

Ross: *through the door* ... It's open.

Here we go. I put my hand on the doorknob and turned it. I pushed the door open and looked up to find Ross sitting on his bed. He had a picture frame in his hand. I shut the door behind me and walked over to him. I sat next to him on his bed and looked at the picture in the frame. It was a picture of Laura making a goofy face with an I LOVE R5 shirt on. I lightly smiled, then turned to Ross. He wasn't smiling.

Rydel: Ross... Are you okay?

He kept on staring at the photo. Now I was really sure that he's upset without Laura. My stomach was knotting up. He is obviously missing her. But I don't know if me telling him about the whole Laura and Jeff kiss will make this situation worse. I mine as well just get it over with. And anyways, he has never flipped out on me before, so there's a chance he won't be... too mad.

Rydel: *sighs* Okay. *stands up off the bed* Ross, there's something I have to, tell you...

Ross set the picture down and looked up at me. He sat up a little straighter.

Ross: I'm listening.

I stared at him. The palms of my hands began to get sweaty.

Rydel: Well... there's this... girl.... And, she did something that... she... really never meant to do...

Ross furrowed his eyebrows at me, but kept quiet, I guess allowing me to continue.

Rydel: She never meant for it to happen! It was, an honest mistake...

Ross: Wait... who's this, "girl" we're talking about?

I bit my lip.

Ross: And what exactly did she do that was so terrible?

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