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*The Next Morning*

Laura's POV:
My eyelids slowly opened up. I rubbed my eyes and stretched a little. I yawned and stared up at the ceiling. I realized I was still on the couch. I must've fallen asleep during the end of the movie. I then smiled to myself, remembering what happened last night. Between Ross and I. I turned my head and looked at the clock. 8:50 a.m. I got up off the couch and went right into the bathroom to take a shower. It took me only like 15 minutes. I got out and threw on a shirt with a "text version" smiley face and a pair of jean shorts. I decided to just keep my hair down today. I dried it with my hair dryer and then put on a light code of tan blush. I walked into the kitchen and poured myself a bowl of cereal for breakfast. Ross was gonna stop by my house to say goodbye before he left for the airport. I would meet him there, but Vanessa has the car. I never told her Tony and Chloe were coming either. I wanted that to be a surprise too. I ate quickly for about 10 minutes and then put my bowl in the sink. I looked at the clock. 9:30 They should be here soon. I sat down on the couch and watched some TV for a while. I was watching an episode of Austin and Ally. 'Campers and Complications'. This has to be one of my favorite episodes.

*In the TV episode*

Trish: Guess who's on the cover of 'Cheetah Beat'?!

Ally: *giggles*

Austin: I guess we're officially a couple! :) *wraps and arm around Ally* *smiles*

Ally: *smiles*

*Back to reality*

I smiled. I loved filming this. It's officially my favorite episode. Then I heard my phone buzz. I picked it up and looked at the screen. It was Ross. I flipped it open. It read;

Come outside.

They're probably here. I turned off my TV and walked over to my front door and opened it. I look to see a car sitting in the street. Ross was getting out of the front seat. I shut my door and walked down my yard a little. He walked up to me as well. We both met in the middle of the yard. We stood there just looking at each other. Then at the same time, we both hugged each other tightly. My arms were around his neck. I felt him set his chin on my shoulder. He rocked us gently back and forth in place.

Laura: You'll be fine Ross. :)

Ross: I know... It's just, a week seems like forever.

Laura: You can always call me. :)

Ross: I'll call you every day.

Laura: *giggles* And that's just fine with me. :)

Ross: *slightly smiles to himself* *smile slowly fades* Im gonna miss you. 'he says squeezing her tighter'

Laura: Im gonna miss you too.

This reminded me of the season finale of Austin and Ally where Austin had to leave for tour. I remember filming it. The first time we did, I bursted into tears. I know it probably made me look like a huge cry baby, but it was sad that we were all leaving for like a month. I remember Ross then walking up to me and smiling, saying, "Aww Laura it's okay. :)" He wrapped his arms around me then. I could so clearly remember that. Just then I heard the car horn honk. A voice calls out the window. I saw over his shoulder the voice was coming from his brother Ryland.

Ryland: Ross, we've gotta go!

Ross and I slowly slip away. We looked at each other. I smiled up at Ross.

Laura: Now go have your New York fun. :)

Ross: *smiles* *bends his head down and kisses down towards her lips so that only the corners of them touched hers*

Laura: *smiles*

Ross: *lets go of the small kiss* Well.. I'll see you later. :)

Laura: *nods* See you later. :)

Ross then slowly turned around back to his car and got into the passenger seat. He shut the door. He looked back up at me. I then saw him blow me a kiss. I air caught it and put it to my heart. I blew him one too. He caught it and put it to his heart as well. I smiled at him. He smiled back. Then the car slowly pulled away. I watched as it went down the street. Then it disappeared. I turned and walked back inside.

Ross's POV:
As the car pulled away, I turned back and saw everyone looking at me. They were all giving me those big creepy grins people give you like they're suspecting something.

Ross: What?

Ratliff: You getting all "friendly" with Laura? :)

Ross: Huh?

Riker: Are you and Laura like dating?

Ross: No, we're just friends.

That's when everyone gives me a startled, confused look.

Rydel: Wait, your only friends with her?

Ross: Yea, why?

Everyone looked at each other, then back at me.

Riker: But, you kissed her.

Ross: So?

Rydel: *gives a confused smile* What do you mean "So"? You kissed her and your "friends"?

Ross: *nods like it the most obvious thing*

Ryland: Dude, you like her don't you? You like her A LOT!

Ross: *stays quiet*

Rydel: Well she obviously also likes him back because she let him kiss her.

Ratliff: Awww Rossy has a girlfriend!

Ross: She isn't my girlfriend. 'he repeats a little annoyed'

Riker: C'mon guys leave him alone now.

Rocky: Are you gonna miss her?

Ross: Well duh. Shes my best friend of course I'm gonna miss her.

Rydel: Ooo! Maybe while we're in New York you could get her a gift!

Ross: Yea, I was thinking about that.

Ratliff: Whatcha gonna get her?

Ross: *shrugs*

Rydel: Get her jewelry! You can never go wrong with jewelry when it comes to girls!

Ross: Yea, maybe.

Maybe I could get her a neckless. I know her favorite color is red. So maybe I could look for something in that ballpark. No one talked anymore. Riker put in his earbuds and played some music, Rocky was playing on his phone, so was Ratliff, Rydel started to doze off into a nap, and Ryland concentrated on driving. I just looked out the window. I looked up at the sky. I was already missing Laura. After about 20 minutes, we arrived at the airport. Everyone got out of the car and we all piled out our suitcases. We headed into the building. It took like 10 minutes to get through security. Our plane was Flight 1007B. (A.N. I have no idea how they do flight names, so I'm just going with this) We all boarded our flight. I had a window seat and next to me sat Rydel. I just buckled up and waited for our flight to take off.

Poor Ross. I hope he's okay with leaving Laura for a week. I promise guys there is more excitement coming up. Not sure if it will be the next chapter... but I have some cool ideas! So get ready for more excitement and maybe even a bit of jealousy.... Mwa hahahaha!!! 😱😁🙈🙊😈

Peace!! ✌

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