Car Rides And Comas

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(A.N. The title of this should scare you)

Ross's POV:

"Well, well, well look who's here."

I froze when I heard that voice. That strangely... familiar voice. I slowly turned around and looked at who was before me. There, only about three feet away from me, was Jeff. He looked up at me and smirked. I felt rage fill me inside.

Ross: What do you-

Jeff: I know, what you're gonna say. You're going to ask me what I'm doing here, yell and criticize me about how I ruined everything between you and Laura. How all of this is my fault.

I just blankly stared at him. To be honest, he literally pulled the words right out of my mouth. He slowly started to walk closer to me.

Jeff: Listen Ross... I know I've cause you and Laura trouble. I really, didn't mean to hurt your relationship with her. I was just trying to catch up with her. Just think about it. I haven't seen Laura in nearly a decade. And I just randomly saw her in public. I wanted to just hang out with her because, she is my friend. What would you do if Laura went away for a year?

I've been asked that question several times already. And the same exact answer always pops into my head. Of course I'd want to spend all of my time with Laura. I mean... I know she's my best friend. There's no denying that.

Ross: *sighs* Look, I know... you were just trying to catch up with her. I'm sorry for getting so out of control... It's just that... I never got the chance to see or hang out with my own girlfriend because she was always with you. I wanted time for just her and I. But, every time I tried to plan something, she'd always blow me off...

I walked over to a nearby rock and sat down.

Ross: She wasn't around as often because she always had something planned with you. 'he says staring down at his hands'

Jeff's POV:

I really should win an award for acting. Man, Ross is just too easy.

Jeff: *sighs* I know...

I walked over to Ross and sat down next to him.

Jeff: And again... I'm sorry. I know I was taking Laura away from you. But I really didn't mean it in a bad way. Like I said, all I wanted to do was catch up with her.

Ross: Well, you could've at least gave me a day or two to hang with her...

Gosh, why does he have to he so sappy?

Jeff: Ross, I'm sorry. I really am. I can see it in your eyes that you care a lot about her... Even after... what happened between us...

Ross: Yea, and about that. 'he says turning to Jeff' How could you do that!? You knew perfectly well that Laura and I were dating. She flat out said it to your face. And you actually allow yourself to kiss her!

Jeff: Hey! She kissed me!

Ross: Whatever. All I know is that you let it happen. You could've at least tried and stopped it from happening.

Jeff: I get it. I made a mistake.

Ross: Yea, a big one.

Jeff: But, if you're going to blame someone, blame me. Don't blame Laura.

I stared at Ross. He didn't say anything to that. His knee was lightly bouncing up and down. I can tell he is thinking. Everything is falling exactly into order. All I have to do is get on Ross's good side. Then, later on... I really give it to him.

Ross: I've thought about that... Laura and I have been in the middle of this huge argument for the past few days or so. At first I was mad and told myself not to forgive her. But... then... as the days passed, I realized just how much my family and I miss her.

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