The Interview

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3 Days Later

Laura's POV:
It's been 3 days since Ross left for New York. I miss him a lot, but I still just did the same old stuff Id do if he weren't around anyways. Vanessa was coming back tomorrow so I was glad about that. Right now I'm just sitting on the couch playing around with my iPad mini. I'm playing 'Temple Run'. It gets very addicting after a while. My TV was also on so it wouldn't sound so awkwardly quiet in here. I was about to hit my high score when I heard a voice on TV say;

Good Afternoon!! My name is Hank Sanders coming to you live from New York, New York! Today we have very special guests coming on our TV show today! You know 'em! You love 'em! Give it up for R5!!!

My head shot up. I heard my character get eaten alive by that huge black monkey thing that no one even knows what the heck it really is. But I didn't care about the stupid game anymore. I grabbed the remote and turned up the volume. I then saw all of them come out onto the stage one by one. Riker... Rocky... Rydel... Ryland... Ratliff... and Ross. I smiled once I saw him. They all took their seats. Then that Hank guy started speaking.

Hank: Alright lets hear it one more time for R5!

The audience screamed and cheered. After a few seconds it died down. The interview began.

Hank: So how have you guys been? Did you have a good flight?

(A.N. I have no idea why, but I picture this Hank guy to be like Ceasar from the Hunger Games, you know that one TV guy with the weird hair. Who has that dorky laugh and always is smiling about everything? Lol you don't have to picture him like that but I'm gonna try my best to make him sorta like him. 😋)

R5: *nods their heads*

Hank: Good good! So tell me, how are you feeling about being here in the fabulous New York!?

The audience cheered when he said that. Then they died down to let them answer. Rydel went first.

Rydel: Well I honestly love it here! There are so many amazing fans here and I am actually noticing a bunch of stores I wanna hit!

The audience cheered again. Man they really are happy to see them.

Hank: Yes we do have a lot of interesting shops you could visit!

Hank asked them more questions and they answered for like 15 minutes. Then they came to a question that caught my attention.

Hank: So, tell me.. Is there any special someone's you guys have back at home? *winks* *starts to chuckle (Like Caesar 😋)*

I waited for someone to answer. It made me giggle a little when Riker, Rydel, Ratliff, Rocky and Ryland all turned their attention to Ross.

Ross: ...What?

Hank: Well Ross... seems everyone's attention is directly on you!

Ross: *stays quiet*

Hank: Oh come on Ross don't get all shy on me now! Tell us, is their a special someone back in California?

Ratliff: Oh yea.

Ross: *slowly turns and gives him an evil glare*

Ratliff: *gives a peachy smile* Hi. :)

The audience laughs a little.

Hank: Ross..?

They all wait for an answer.

Ross: Well... she isn't my girlfriend but yea we are really close.

Hank: And who would this "she" be?

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