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Laura's POV:

"Okay." Ross says. "I swear Laura, if you laugh at this one, I have no choice but to strangle you."

I chuckle as I slip my hand into his as we continue down the sidewalk. "But all of your 'Laura jokes' are hilarious!"

He rolls his eyes and smiles. "One, no they're not. They're the dumbest jokes I'll probably ever tell. And two, I'm trying to find a joke that's so dumb, even you won't laugh at it. That is at the top of my bucket list, no joke."

I laugh. "Fine! Go ahead and try me! I bet you all the money in my pocket I'll still laugh!"

He grins. "Why did the cookie go to the hospital?" I smiled and giggled. He threw his other hnd up in the air. "You're already laughing, unbelievable."

I playfully swat his arm. "Tell me the rest! Why did the cookie go to the hospital?!"

"Because it was feeling crummy." He says. Of course, I began to laugh out loud.

"That's funny!" I say.

He rolls his eyes again and wraps his arm around me. "You are such a weirdo."

I give him a side hug. "I'm your weirdo." He just chuckles and kisses my temple.

After Ross got out of the hospital, I was always by his side. Not in a clingy way, just a helpful way. He was banged up pretty good, so I helped him get around. I was always there when he needed me.

It surprised me at how quickly we got back together. I was helping him lie down in bed, and I just happeed to be kinda, really close to him. Quicker than I knew, he pulled me in and started kissing me. We were both surprised, but it just showed that we missed each other, and still loved one another.

We entered the park and began strolling to the back where our special spot is. Our spot looked beautiful in summer. Especially the waterfall. The way it glistens off the sunlight makes it look so pretty you'd think it was fake.

We finally made it to our destination. Ross pulled me onto a rock next to the small lake and sat us both down. He wrapped his arm around me, and I lied my head on his shoulder. We both sat in a comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's company.

I then begn to admire my promise ring. I got it back when Ross and I became a couple again. Of course I want a forever with him. He's my best friend. Losing him again would not be good, at all. I promised him I wouldn't let another soul come between us. Ever again.

I felt Ross's finger slide under my chin. He lifted my head up and made me look into his eyes. He just stared and smiled for a moment. Then he leaned in and locked his lips with mine. I love kissing him. The wave of pleasure that flows over me is one no one else is capable of giving me.

As we slowly let go, we both smile at each other. "What did I ever do to deserve you?" He says.

I smile at the sweet comment, but my smile slowly fades. Ross quickly takes notice. "Hey, what is it?"

I look down at my lap. "I should be asking you that question..."

Ross thinks about it for a second, then makes me look at him again. "Laur, I told you already. I've put all of that stuff behind me. None of that matters anymore. I know you never meant to hurt anyone."

I look up at him. "You were in the hospital because of me."

"I don't care, Laura." He says, shaking his head. "I'm all better now. I was just relieved you weren't hurt." He placed his hand on my cheek. "I would've killed the bastard if he had even thought about doing something to you."

I couldn't help but smile. He stroked my cheek with his thumb, soothing me down. I look up into his eyes, then give him a little peck. He chuckles. I stare back down at the promise ring on my finger. To me, it was the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. I looked back up at Ross and throw my arms around his neck. He accepts my hug and squeezes me tightly.

"I love you." I say quietly into his shoulder.

He rubs my back with his hand. "I love you too." I smile.

We both then slowly pull away. We then go back to relaxing in one another's arms. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else right now. This moment is one of those moments we treasure in life. Because it's with something, in my case someone, special. And I hope it's like this, for the rest of our lives.


I am just a huge bully today. This book has now come to an end too!! I'm sorry if it was totally not intresting, but it's what I got for ya.

Let me know what other books I should update! ^-^


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