Ross Returns

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*2 Days Later*

Laura's POV:

I was sitting on my couch watching TV. I have honesty been bored out of my mind these past few days. There isn't anything to do. Yesterday Vanessa and I hit the mall together. I guess that was fun. I was staring at the TV screen when all of a sudden I hear my phone buzz from the kitchen. I turn off the TV and walk over to the table. I picked it up and flipped it open. It was from Ross. I smiled. I read his text. It said;

Go look outside in your mailbox.

I sat there. In my mailbox? Hm... I walked over to my door, slipped on my sneakers and opened my front door. I walk out and looked up. I stopped instantly in my tracks. My eyes grew big. My jaw was hanging open. My heart was beating fast. There, I see Ross, standing in my front yard, smiling at me.

Ross: I was kidding about the mailbox part. :)

The biggest smile ever approaches my face. I run down my lawn over to him. He runs towards me too. I ran up to him and jumped into his arms. I wrapped my legs around him and buried my face into his shoulder. He spun me around when I jumped into his arms. He pulled his head back a little and kissed my cheek.

Ross: I missed you!!

Laura: I missed you too!!

I once again buried my face into his shoulder. He rocked me back and forth in his arms. He held me tightly up against his chest. I was so happy to see him. He set me back down.

Laura: So!!?? How was New York??

Ross: It was okay I guess. But I just couldn't wait to get home to see my best friend again.

Laura: Aw, Ross. Really? :)

Ross: *nods*

Laura: *wraps her arms around his neck and hugs him again*

Ross: *squeezes her tight*

Ross's POV:

I was so happy to see Laura again. I have literally waited almost a week which is actually like forever. I was just glad I was holding her in my arms again. Then I remembered something.

Ross: Hey Laura.

Laura: *pulls away from the hug* Yea?

Ross: *takes out a white box from his pocket* *hands it to Laura* Here. :)

Laura: *smiles down at the box and takes it* *looks back up at him* Ross, you didn't have to. :)

Ross: *giggles a little* Your my best friend! Of course I had to! :)

Laura: *smiles at him then at the box* *opens it* *stares at what he got her*

Laura just stared at my gift to her. I got a little worried.

Ross: Do you not like it?

Laura: *slowly looks up at him with a huge smile* I love it. :)

Ross: *smiles* I knew you would. :)

I had gotten her a neckless with a medium sized medal diamond. It was a deep ruby red. The second I laid eyes on it, I knew she'd like it. I took the box out of her hands and pulled out the neckless.

Ross: Can you hold up your hair? :)

Laura: *smiles*

Laura's POV:

I turned around and held all of my hair up with my right hand. I saw the neckless come around the front of me. I looked down at it and smiled. Then I felt it drop loose. I put my hair back down and turned back to Ross. I held the small diamond in my fingertips. I looked up at him.

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