It's Been Forever!

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*The Next Morning*

Laura's POV:
I woke up to the gleaming daylight coming in through the window. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. I was in bed alone. I turned my head towards the clock. 9 a.m. I slowly pull the covers away from me and got out of bed. I realized how cold it was in the room. I looked around and saw a sweater hanging on the doorknob of Ross's closet. It had his hockey team logo on the front, and two crossed hockey sticks on the back with the last name LYNCH on it. I just smirked to myself and slipped it on. It was big, only by a little. I left Ross's room and walked down the stairs, as I finished putting my hair into a ponytail. I could smell breakfast baking. It made my stomach growl. I reached the bottom and walked around the corner into the kitchen. There was a plate of pancakes on the counter. There was also bacon and a jug of orange juice. It all looked delicious. That's when I felt two strong arms come around me from behind me. I smiled to myself, knowing it was Ross. He pulled me right up against him. I felt his soft lips next to my ear.

Ross: Morning sleepy head. :)

I giggled, remembering when I called him that.

Laura: Morning. :)

Ross: Nice sweater. :)

I smiled to myself.

Ross: You hungry?

Laura: Starving!

Ross: *chuckles* Okay then. :)

His arms slipped away from my waist. He walked over to the cupboards and took out two plates. He handed one to me. I put 2 pancakes and 2 pieces of bacon on my plate. Ross went over to the counter and grabbed a bottle of syrup and a can of whip cream. I smiled and took the whip cream from his hand. I squirted some out onto my pancakes. Then Ross grabbed it from my hands. He squirted some on my nose.

Laura: Hey!!

Ross: *giggles and squirts some into his mouth*

I smiled and grabbed the can from his hand. I squirted it on his face.

Ross: Hey!!

I laughed at my comeback. Ross then stole it from me and squirted my face as well. Soon we were both laughing our heads off being total goofballs with whip cream all over ourselves. Ross sprayed some on his lips. He then wrapped both of his arms around me and kissed my cheek. I laughed like a total weirdo. He let go. I looked up at him and his now frosty white lips. I smiled and stood up on my tippy toes to get closer to him. I kissed his lips. He smiled during the kiss. I did the same. Then we let go. I smiled.

Ross: *licks his lips* Mmm, whip cream and cute girls lips. My favorite. :)

I giggled and blushed as I licked my lips as well. I scraped off the remains of whip cream on my cheek from his kiss and popped it into my mouth. Ross smiled at me. I smiled back with a wink. I went back to eating my original breakfast. Ross got his own plate too. After about 10 minutes, we were both done. We put our plates in the sink and went into the living room. We both sat down on the couch. Ross wrapped his left arm around me. I sighed and relaxed my head on his shoulder.

Laura: I gotta get a job.

Ross seemed to be a little surprised by my sudden comment.

Ross: A job? :)

Laura: Yea.

Ross: *chuckles lightly* Where did this come from?

Laura: *shrugs* Well, I don't really have a home anymore...

Ross: Hey.

I turned my head towards him.

Ross: You know your always welcome to stay here. :)

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