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Laura's POV:

After the hug, we let go and went back downstairs with the others. They were all gathered in the living room watching TV. Riker turned to us.

Riker: You guys okay?

Ross: Yea, we're fine. :) *looks down at Laura and smiles*

I smiled up at him. We both sat down on the couch together. He wrapped his left arm around me. I smiled to myself and leaned my head on his shoulder. We all watched TV for a few minutes. I rested my eyes, not falling asleep though. Ross brought his hand up to my hair and started stroking it gently. It felt soothing. Then, we all heard a ring. I lifted my head off of Ross's shoulder and opened my eyes a little. The ring sounded like it was coming from the kitchen. It sounded like the phone.

Rydel: I'll get it!

She hopped up off the couch and disappeared around the corner. I laid my head back down on Ross's shoulder as he continued to stroke my hair. After a few minutes, Rydel came back into the living room.

Rydel: Hey Laura.

I opened my eyes and looked up at her.

Rydel: Phone call for you.

A phone call? For me? I nodded and got up off the couch. I walked over to her and she handed me the phone. I walked into the kitchen.

Laura: Hello?

???: Hey Laura.

It was Vanessa.

Laura: Ness? Why didn't you call me on my phone?

Vanessa: Because I don't really have your number memorized and I remembered the Lynch's number. Im here at the 'Switched at Birth' set.

Laura: Oh, okay. What's up?

Vanessa: Laura, I have some... news.

Laura: ..... What kind of news?

Vanessa: Im... going to be going away for a while.

Laura: Huh?

Vanessa: *sighs* The directors of 'Switched at Birth' are relocating the new season. We're gonna be shooting it in Italy. So, they are going to have everyone stay there.

Laura: So... are you saying, your moving?

Vanessa: ... I guess I am.

So now, it's just me living on my own. If my family's on the cruise and Vanessa's in Italy... It's all me.

Laura: Oh. Well, I'm happy for you.. 'she says trying to sound happy'

Vanessa: Im leaving for the airport at 4 a.m. That's why I'm calling you now.

Laura: Oh, okay.

Vanessa: It's only for a year.

Laura: A year?!

Vanessa: Don't worry. It'll fly by...

Laura: Y-Yea...

Vanessa: Im gonna miss you so much.

Laura: Im gonna miss you too sis.

Vanessa: But don't worry. I know the Lynch family will take good care of you.

Laura: Yea, I guess.

Vanessa: Okay. They're calling me over now. Ive gotta go.

Laura: Okay Ness.

Vanessa: Alright. Bye Laura. I love you. I'll miss you.

Laura: Bye. Ill love you and miss you.

Vanessa: *smiles to herself*

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