Arguments And "Accidents"

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*2 Days Later*

Ross's POV:
I pulled on my shirt and excitedly threw on my sneakers. Today Laura and I were gonna go to the movies. I really wanted to take her to this one movie that I knew she'd love. Then I have the rest of the night all planned out. I'll take her for ice cream afterwards, then we'll walk in the park under the stars. And then when we get home, I'll carry her up to bed because she's so tired. We'll change and then hop in bed. And I'll be sure to give her a small gentle kiss before she drifts off to sleep snuggled deep in my arms. I smiled at the thought. She had promised me she'd do something else with me after our dinner date we had a couple nights ago. Of course, we ended up bumping into Jeff. He and his family were there and he just ended up talking to us practically the whole night. She was catching on on how I was kind of getting ticked off, so she promised me that she would make time to hang out with me. I went over to my dresser and picked up my phone. As I shoved it in my pocket, I heard small footsteps come into my room. I spun around to see Laura walk into my room. I smiled widely once I saw her.

Ross: Hey Laur. :) Ready to go?

She didn't say anything. It was then I also realized she was looking... almost sad.

Ross: Hey. *walks closer to her* Whats up?

She looked up at me. Her eyes were filled with sadness. Even a little bit of guilt. But, what does she have to be guilty of? Nothing that I know.

Ross: Laur, please tell me.

Still nothing.

Ross: How 'bout a kiss? Will a kiss make you feel better? :) 'he says cupping her face in his hands'

She still looked upset and continued to stay quiet. I gave her a small smile and ducked my head down closer to hers. But before my lips could reach hers, she pulled her head back a little bit. Okay, now I know something's up. She has never rejected a kiss from me before. And she seems slower than the bubbly Laura she usually is. I allow my face to pull back, but I keep my hands on her cheeks.

Ross: Laura, what is it?

Laura's POV:
How am I suppose to tell him? I know I have to, but I just... don't know how. It will probably crush him.

Ross: Why can't we kiss?

I shut my eyes and let out a small sigh.

Laura: It's not that... I don't want to... It's just... *puts her hands on his and removes them from her face* I just... can't let you kiss me... If I know you're gonna get mad at me...

I saw Ross getting more and more worried with every word I tell him.

Ross: Laura, why would I get mad at you?

I let to of his hands and let them drop to his sides. I just feel that it would be awkward if he kissed me right before he got mad at me.

Ross: How about this. Lets just... take our minds off of everything for awhile and, go see that movie that we wanted to-

Laura: I can't... go.

That silenced him. I knew right away he was confused. I practically have the order of his feelings already listed out from which ones will go first and what will be his last.

Ross: W-... Why?

Laura: Because... I had just remembered that, I had already made plans to to out today...

His face ever so slowly hardened into slight anger. It made my heart pound.

Ross: ... I'm assuming with Jeff? 'he said starting to get upset'

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