New Places New Feelings

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Laura's POV:

My eyelids felt heavy as they slowly opened. I rubbed them and let out a quiet sigh. I turned to see Ross was still asleep. His arm was around me. I turned my head towards the clock. 9:05 a.m. I turned back to Ross. He looked adorable sleeping. I smiled to myself. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and slowly slipped out of his grip. I went to the kitchen and found a piece of paper. I grabbed it and wrote a small note for Ross. I walked back into the living room and set it on the coffee table for him to see when he wakes up. I walked upstairs to my room and took a quick 10 minute shower. I walked out and pulled on some new clothes. I threw on a blue t-shirt that was still a little too big for me. It had I ❤ CALI on the front written in big pink print. I tied the loose part behind me with a rubber band. I put on a pair of solid white jean shorts. It felt pretty warm in the house. I put my hair up in a messy bun and walked back downstairs to the kitchen. I decided to make breakfast. I'll make waffles, toast and bacon. I'll make some for Ross too. When he wakes up he can have some. I turn on the oven and grabbed everything I needed to start cooking.

Ross's POV:

My eyes open up a little and they slowly make their way fully open. I rubbed my eyes, noticing I was alone on the couch. Where's Laura? Then something on the coffee table caught my eye. A yellow sheet of paper. It was folded in half. It had my name in cursive writing on the front. I reached over to it and picked it up. I looked at what it said.

Ross, Im either in the kitchen with breakfast or upstairs in my room. Let me know when you wake up! :)

Love, Laura.

I smiled. I got up off the couch and stretched a little. I looked at the time. 9:30. I could smell something cooking. It made my mouth water. Bacon maybe? I stepped into the kitchen and saw Laura leaning on her elbows over the counter. She had a book laying flat out in front of her. She was looking down, reading it. Her back was facing me. She didn't noticed I was up. I walked up to her from behind and wrapped my arms around her. I intertwined my fingers together and set the palms of my hands on her stomach. I set my chin on her shoulder. I gently cradled her back and forth. Without looking up, I saw her smile to herself. I smiled too.

Laura: Morning sleepy head. :) 'she says without looking up because she's already aware it's Ross.

Ross: *rolls his eyes and smiles* Morning. :)

Laura: *smiles* *smile starts to fade* *looks back down at her book* *slowly closes it*

I don't know why, but I feel like part of that smile is fake. I slowly stop cradling her. I still have my arms around her.

Ross: Laur, are you feeling okay?

She didn't look up right away. She then slowly turned to face me. My arms were still holding her waist. She looked up at me.

Laura: I guess I'm feeling a little better.

Ross: Okay, well I'll keep trying to make you feel happy.

Laura: I think I'll be okay Ross. :)

Ross: I know, but a little better isn't enough.

Laura: *smiles* Well, thanks. :)

I bring Laura close and give her a small hug. She hugs me and then lets go just as a timer goes off. She walks over to the oven and pulls out bacon. I can hear my stomach growl. She set them all on a plate and walks over to the table. I notice she also has waffles and toast.

Laura: What would you like to drink?

Ross: What are you having?

Laura: Probably orange juice.

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