An Explanation

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*The Next Day*

Laura's POV:
My eyes fluttered open to the light of the sun shining in through the windows. I felt stiff. I stretched a little and rubbed my eyes. I let out a small and quiet sigh to myself when I realized I was still in the hospital. At least I'm getting out of here today. If it's not anything serious... I shutter at those words. I slowly sat up in bed and looked around at my empty room. I reached over to a small table next to me and grab my cup of water. My throat still felt a little dry, but not as much as yesterday. I took a few sips then set the cup back down. Almost as if she knew I had just woken up, the doctor stepped into my room right at that moment.

Doctor: Good morning Ms. Marano. :)

Laura: *smiles*

Doctor: How is your throat feeling?

Laura: ..Better.

Doctor: Good good. I just want to tell you that your breathing seems to be going at a steady pace once again. Your lungs just slowed down a bit from inhaling all of that smoke. But don't you worry. Your looking much better today. You should be up and out of that bed around 12 noon!

Laura: That's great! May I ask, what time is it right now?

Doctor: About 10:30

Laura: Okay thank you!

Doctor: I'll have you get dressed into your regular clothes in about a half hour or so. If you need anything, give us a ring!

Laura: Thank you!

She then left my room shutting the door all the way behind her. I sighed and sat back a little in bed. I reached over and grabbed the TV remote. I turned it on and started flipping through the channels.

Ross's POV:
I woke up that next morning a little slower than usual. I was up all night last night thinking about Laura and Tony. I just couldn't stand the thought of Laura cheating on me. I wanted to say something was up, but a bigger part of me kept saying; No, Laura would never do that to you! Maybe there was a simple explication for all of this. It still annoyed me though. I went downstairs into the kitchen, made myself a bowl of cereal and started eating breakfast. I was in there sitting alone at the table. Everyone else was either in the living room or in their own bedrooms. Just then, I hear my brother Riker come into the kitchen.

Riker: Sup Ross?

I just shrug and put another bite of cereal into my mouth. Riker sat by my side and looked at me.

Riker: Ross, what's going on?

Ross: *swallows* Nothing.

Riker: What do you take me for? Dumb? I can see something in you Ross, you look upset. I know when your lying to me.

I let out a long sigh through my nose.

Ross: Okay... maybe there is something on my mind...

Riker: You wanna talk about it?

Ross: ... I don't know...

Riker: Does it involve Laura?

Ross: How did you know?

Riker: *shrugs* Lucky guess?

I shrugged.

Ross: Well, yea. Kind of.

Riker: Alright. Start talking.

So I explained to him everything that happened yesterday. I told him about Tony and how I thought something might be up between him and Laura.

Riker: Wow... that doesn't sound like Laura at all.

Ross: That's what I said!

Riker: Well, think. If we both say that it doesn't sound like the Laura we know, then maybe there really IS a simple explanation to all of this.

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