Crazy Confessions

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Laura's POV:

I felt like bawling. I felt like dropping to my knees and cursing to the sky. But what good is that gonna do me? What have I done? What did I do? I can't believe I... kissed Jeff. I know I was mad at Ross, but now I'm the bad guy! That would mean I... cheated on him. My heart shattered at those words. To think, all this time I told him not to worry. I told him here was nothing deep between Jeff and I. And now look where we are. I ran all the way down to the park and ran right through the main gates. I walked over to my tree, slid all the way down it and cried into my legs. I feel like, such a monster whenever I replay those words in my head. "You cheated on him." "You never broke up with him, so technically you cheated on him!" I just cried and cried. What if Ross finds out? I can't let that happen. It seems wrong to keep a secret. It IS wrong to keep secrets. But when it comes to friendships, I don't see any other choice. I just continued to sit and cry. Suddenly, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. Oh great, who could that be? I lifted my head up and wiped away some tears. I reached into my pocket, took out my phone and flipped it open. 1 new message. I opened it up and looked at the caller ID. Surprisingly, it's not who I thought it was. It was Tony. I read his text. It said;

Look over by the playground.

I furrowed my eyebrows, then slowly lifted my head and looked around. My eyes traveled over to the playground. I saw Tony looking at me with worry in his eyes. He motioned for me to come over by him. I wiped my eyes a little bit more, then stood up off the ground. I slowly started making my way towards Tony. Once I reached him, he gave me a friendly smile, then patted next to him allowing me to sit. I sat down on the bench and looked over at him.

Tony: *sits up straight and leans in by Laura* Hey. :)

I gave him a weak facial expression.

Tony: What brings you here?

I looked at him, then looked down at my lap.

Laura: ... Everything.

Tony: What is it Laura? Something is clearly bugging you.

My stomach continued to wrap in knots of all kind. Thinking about the whole scene between Jeff and I seems too much to explain right now.

Laura: Something is bugging me, but, it's really just girl drama.

Tony: Friends?

Laura: *lies* Yea, sorta.

Tony: Well, I guess that's the joys of being a girl. :)

I gave him a crooked smile.

Tony: Do you have any other girls to talk to? Girls that aren't currently in the problem?

I thought for a minute. The only other girl I know I can talk to is Rydel. She is sweet and understanding, but I don't know how she'll react. Will she get angry with me and take Ross's side? Will she not have any advice at all? Wait... what am I saying? Rydel ALWAYS has advice.

Laura: Well, maybe there is this one girl that I could talk to...

Tony: Whats her name?

Laura: Rydel.

Tony: Ah, the sister of the 5 huh? :)

I slowly nodded with a small smile.

Tony: Well the I suggest telling Rydel everything that's bugging you and maybe she can help you work this out. Me being a guy obviously won't help very much with girl problems, so Rydel is a great person to go to. :)

I smiled and nodded.

Laura: Thanks Tony. :)

He gave me a smile, then wrapped his arm around me.

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