Tony's Here!

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*The Next Day*

Laura's POV:
I woke up the next morning at around 8 a.m. I had just gotten done taking a shower and getting dressed. I walked into the kitchen and popped some waffles into the toaster. Just then, I heard the front door open. I turned to see Vanessa step into the house!

Laura: Vanessa!!

Vanessa: Hey Laura!!

I ran up to her and squeezed her tight. She squeezed me back and we both let go.

Laura: So how was filming?

Vanessa: Ugh it was so exhausting! I need a serious nap!

Laura: *giggles* Well your more than welcome to do so. :)

Vanessa: Okay, I'll wake up... whenever.

Laura: Alrighty. :)

Vanessa walked upstairs just as my waffles popped up from the toaster. I grabbed them and set them on a paper plate. I ate for like 10 minutes and then flopped back down on the couch. I was bored. I had no plans today. I sat up and was about to turn on the TV when I all of a sudden heard a knock on the door.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

Who could that be? I got up off the couch and opened the door. My eyes grew big. I break into a smile.

Laura: TONY!!

Tony: Hey Laura!!

I came close to him and hugged him tight. He hugged me just as tight. I let to and smiled at him. I then looked down at Chloe!

Laura: Hey Chloe!!

Chloe: Hey Laura!!

I bent down and hugged her tightly too. I then stood back up.

Laura: Oh my gosh it's so good to see you guys again! :)

Tony: We're happy to visit! :)

Chloe: Laura look! *opens her mouth*

Laura: Oh my gosh you lost both your front teeth!!

Chloe: Yep!

Laura: Ugh stop growing up on me!!

Chloe: *smiles*

Tony: Where's Nessa?

Laura: Oh, she just went upstairs to take a nap.

Tony: Ah.

Laura: Well come in!

They both walked into the house. I shut the door and turn back to them.

Laura: So how have you guys been?

Chloe: We got a new farm!

Laura: Oh my goodness! A new farm??

Chloe: Yea! And we got 2 new horses! Mine is black and Tony's is white!

Tony: *smiles*

Laura: Oh wow! What did you name yours?

Chloe: I named mine Midnight!

Laura: Thats a great name! *looks up at Tony* And you? :)

Tony: *chuckles* My horse's name is Winter. :)

Laura: They both are such amazing names!

Chloe: Yea, the only problem is is the annoying rooster that wakes half of China up in the morning.

Laura: *laughs* Oh really?

Tony: Yea, I hate that old bird.

Chloe: Me too!

Laura: *laughs*

Tony: *smiles* So where's your parents?

Laura: Oh they're on a cruise right now. They won't be back for a few weeks now.

Chloe: Did you know that our hotel has a swimming pool??

Laura: It does?!

Chloe: Yea and it's huge! I mean you could fit 5 whales in that place!

Tony and Laura: *laugh and smile*

Tony: Speaking of which, *checks his watch*, we might wanna head back. We still have to meet Jeff.

Laura: Who's Jeff?

Tony: Don't you remember him?

Laura: *shrugs*

Tony: Remember? Jeff, my friend? The one who would always come over and win at every single hide and seek game we'd play?

Laura: ......... OH! Oh that Jeff! Oh my gosh yea I do remember him now!

Tony: Yea, I remembered how he had that crush on you. :P :)

Laura: Wait what???

Tony: *quickly puts a hand over his mouth*

Laura: He had a crush on me??!!

Tony: Just for a little!! Then he got over it!

Laura: *rolls her eyes*

Chloe: C'mon Tony! I wanna get back to the hotel so I can go swimming!

Tony: Chloe be polite!

Laura: *shakes her head and smiles* It's fine Tony. Let her get excited. :)

Tony: *smiles* I suppose we should get back anyways.

Laura: Well it was so nice seeing you both! *bends down and hugs Chloe*

Tony: It was nice seeing you as well. :)

Laura: *smiles and hugs Tony* *lets go of him* Well thanks for stopping by! We should get together sometime!

Tony: Totally! I could give you a call sometime soon.

Laura: Sounds great!

Tony: Well, we'll head out now. We just wanted to stop and say hi!

Laura: Im glad you did! Well, bye guys!

Chloe: Tell Vanessa I say hi!

Tony: Yea, me too. :)

Laura: *smiles* I'll have her call you guys when she wakes up. :)

Tony: Alright, bye Laura!

Chloe: Bye!!

Laura: Bye guys!!

Okay guys I know this wasn't much if a chapter but trust me. There are little clues sprinkled in here in more future chapters... DUN DUN DUUUUNNN!!!!

Peace!! ✌

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