New York

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Laura's POV:
I was literally on the verge of falling asleep in Ross's arms. We had been sitting behind this waterfall for like an hour. I had to keep propping myself back up to keep myself from falling asleep. I listened to the soothing noise of the falling waterfall. And the steady breathing in Ross's chest. His arm came around me a little more. I slowly felt myself drift into a peaceful sleep.

Ross's POV:
I wrapped Laura in my arms a little more. I looked at the falling waterfall in front of us. It was pretty neat. I looked down at Laura again. She looked like she was asleep. I gently nudged her a little to make sure. She didn't open her eyes. Yea, she was sleeping. But I didn't care. I smiled to myself. I gently stood up into a kneeling position, careful not to wake Laura. I picked her up bridal style and took her out from behind the waterfall. I walked her back into the park area and headed to my car. I held Laura up close. Her head was up against my chest. I got to my car, quietly opened the passenger seat door and carefully set Laura inside. I buckled her up and shut the door. I took my seat and started it up. I drove down the road heading in the direction of her house. I drove for about 5 minutes, then came to her house. I parked the car and got out. I opened up Laura's door and helped her out. I picked her up again and went inside her front door. I walked into the living room and gently set her down on the couch. I pulled away a little and smiled. She looked so sweet while she was asleep. I took the blankets and covered her up. I looked down at her. I scooted some hair away from her face. I bent down a little more and kissed her forehead. I let go after a few seconds. I rubbed her forehead with my thumb. I then slowly got up and walked into her kitchen. I pulled out a piece of blank paper and a pen from a drawer. I wrote her a little note and then folded the paper in half. I walked back into the living room and put it on the coffee table beside her. I smiled again and knelt down by her one more time. I looked at her, and took a quick glance at her lips. I don't know why, but I did. I leaned in and kissed her cheek for about 3 seconds. I let go and whispered to her.

Ross: *whispers* I love you Laura. :)

I then walked out of her house and got back into the car. I stated it up and finished heading home.

3 Hours Later

Laura's POV:
My eyelids fluttered open. I yawned and stretched. I felt myself lying down on the couch. I slowly sat up. Did Ross bring me home? I saw a piece of paper on the table. I picked it up and flipped it open. I read it.

I brought you back home when you fell asleep. Im back home too. I knew you were probably still tired so I let you rest. If you need anything, give me a call. I love you best friend. :)


A smile approached my lips.

Laura: I love you too. :) 'she says whispering to herself'

I got up off the couch and walked into the kitchen. I looked at the time. 1:35 p.m. It was still afternoon. I yawned again. I noticed it was really warm. The sun was shining bright. I don't really have any plans, so maybe I could just hang around at home. I went over to my front door, slipped on my flat sneakers and walked outside. I went around to my backyard. I made my way over to a little shed and opened up the door. It made a creaking noise. I stepped inside and grabbed me guitar. I keep it in here because.... I actually have no idea why I keep it in here. Just anywhere is fine I guess. Sometimes I like to play songs on my guitar just to pass the time. I walked back out and went over to my back deck. I sat down on a stool and got into a playing position. I then started to strum 'Pass Me By'. I sang along to my playing.

Like yea, you could be the one that could mess me up

You could be the one that'll break me

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