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*2 Weeks Later*

Laura's POV:

I can't eat. I can't sleep. Everything still haunts me as if it were some sort of nightmare. I can see him in my sleep. The minute I lay my head down on the pillow, thinking I'm way too tired this time not to fall asleep... he's there. Ross is still in a coma. The doctors keep contacting us telling us how he's been doing, but usually he stays exactly the same.

I sat in Tony's hotel room, alone. I was sitting on his bed with my arms wrapped around a pillow. I had my chin set on it, and the tears from earlier today are still threatening to fall once again. Tony was down on the main floor grabbing me some food. He wants me to eat. He doesn't force me to eat, but he always wants me to eat something. But I always tell myself; If Ross can't eat, I can't eat. If he can't drink water, I shouldn't drink water. If he can't talk, I shouldn't talk. I would usually be at the Lynches house. But I couldn't possibly bare being around all of the memories of Ross and I.

Yesterday, I overheard Tony talking with Vanessa on the phone. Tony was talking with her, and apparently she's coming back here because she wants to see me. Tony told me she was worried sick about me when she heard the news about Ross's coma. You'd probably expect me to be overjoyed that Vanessa is coming home. I am, but... to be honest, I don't care about anything in life right now. Without Ross here, it's like I have no life worth living for anymore.

My sorrowful thoughts were cut off by the hotel room door unlocking and opening. I turned my eyes only to see Tony walking in with a small plate and a cup. On the plate was a small breakfast burger, a little chocolate chip cookie, and some grapes. The cup just held some water. I felt sick just looking at it.

Tony: Hey Laur. 'he greets quietly' I brought you some snacks, in case you got hungry.

I didn't say anything. I didn't have the strength. Tony sighed and set the plate down on the table next to me. I felt bad for Tony. I knew I wasn't making this easy for him. He had every right to feel frustrated. I just wasn't in the mood to eat.

Tony: Laura, I know you're worried about Ross.

Hearing his name made a lump form in my throat.

Tony: But you need to eat something. You didn't eat lunch or dinner yesterday and you still haven't eaten anything this morning.

I felt a small tear slowly crawl down my cheek. Tony scooted closer to me and gently wiped the falling tear off my cheek.

Tony: He's gonna be okay. 'he says calmly'

How was anyone suppose to know that? It's been weeks since the accident, and there's still no sign of life for Ross. I can't bring myself to visit him. As much as I want to, I know it'll hurt me even more seeing the damage I've caused the world.

Ross's coma leaked out and spread worldwide. Fans everywhere began a #PrayForRoss on twitter. I thought it was sweet of them. I keep getting messages from fans either wanting more information on the incident, or just hoping I feel better soon and that he'll be alright.

There was a knock at the door. My eyes traveled up to Tony, who rose up off the bed and walked towards the door. As it opened, I heard him say hello to whoever was there, and welcomed them inside. One by one, all of the Lynch members walked into the room. I was surprised at all of the gifts and goodies they were holding.

Rydel: Hey Laura. 'she says sweetly'

Rydel was holding small bouquet of red and flowers. A combination of Ross's favorite color of yellow, and mine of red.

Rydel: I brought you these to cheer you up. 'she says holding then out to Laura' We all wanted to come over just to, check in.

They know I haven't been doing to great. I felt a little bad, because I should probably help cheer them up as well. Ross is their brother. I just didn't have the strength or spirit to do it.

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