Earthquakes and Jealousy

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*2 hours later*

*3:30 p.m.*

Laura's POV:
After I rested my eyes for a little, I opened them up and looked back up at Ross. His eyes were closed as well. I looked down at his arm and saw his watch. I brought it closer to me so I could see. 3:30 p.m. I suppose it wasn't that late. But soon Vanessa might go crazy. I looked up at him again. I smiled. He looked pretty adorable sleeping. Then I saw his eyelids slowly flutter open. He rubbed his eyes with his left arm because his right arm was still around me. He looked down at me and smiled.

Ross: Hey. :)

Laura: Hey. :)

Ross: How long have we been asleep?

Laura: A couple hours.

Ross: That's not so bad. :)

Laura: *giggles*

Ross: *smiles down at Laura* *bends his head down and kisses Laura's cheek*

Laura: *smiles*

Ross: *smiles* You wanna head home now?

Laura: *rubs her eyes* Sure. *yawns* *about to stand up*

Ross: Hey.

Laura: *stops* Yea?

Ross: Ive got you. :)

Laura: *smiles*

Ross stood up from where he was standing and stretched a little bit. I smiled and shut my eyes again. I heard Ross turn towards me and chuckle a little. Then he bent down and scooped me up off the ground. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. He started carrying me out from the waterfall and out of the back area. I opened my eyes and smiled up at him.

Laura: Are you sure I'm not a pain to carry? :)

Ross: Not at all. :)

I smiled and shut my eyes again. After a few minutes passed, or what I thought was a few minutes, we arrived back at my home.

Laura: That was fast! Did I fall asleep?! 'she says rubbing her eyes with one hand'

Ross: You might've! You looked pretty knocked out!

Laura: Ugh why am I always so tired?!

Ross: *smiles and shrugs* Well, we're here. :) 'he says putting Laura back on the ground'

Laura: *giggles* Thanks. :)

Ross: *smiles*

Laura: Well, Im gonna go inside!

Ross: Okay, if you need anything just-

He stopped talking. I didn't know why at first, but then I heard it.

Laura: ..... What is that?

Ross: I don't know.

It sounded like... like loud rumbling. Like non stop thunder. I walked up my lawn a little to see if I could see anything. Then all of a sudden, the ground started to shake. My eyes grew big.

Laura: Earthquake!!

Ross: Laura come with me!!

I ran back to Ross. He grabbed my hand and brought me into the car in my driveway. I scooted over so he could climb in too. He slammed the door shut and locked it. I locked the other back door too.

Ross: Laura come by me and cover your head!!

I quickly scooted towards Ross. We both crouched down on the car floor. He wrapped his arms around me and we ducked down. I squeezed my eyes shut. All around us I could hear the rumbling. I heard things breaking down. My heart was pounding. I stayed right up against Ross as he held me close. I heard a loud CRACK. I could literally feel the ground shake right below us. Then, in the lightest amount of scent, I thought I smelled something burning. Something on fire. All of a sudden, something smashed through the car window. I screamed a little bit. Ross squeezed me into his chest. Whatever flew through the window, and it was something hard and heavy, hit me right in the side of my head. I shakily brought my hand up to my ear. I opened my eyes a little. I looked at my hand that was now bloody. I looked up at the window. It was smashed in. The sky above us was dark and cloudy and even a little orange. I heard people screaming everywhere. Tears came down my face. Is this how I'm going to die? I bent my head down and shut my eyes again. I could feel Ross shaking just as much as I was. I cried silently as I heard another loud CRACK. I heard a bunch of things fall to the ground. Then, ever so slowly, the rumbling became lower..... and lower....... and lower... until after like 5 minutes.... it ended. I stayed crouched down by Ross just to make sure it was completely over. I looked up as a few more tears crawled down my cheek. I felt Ross lift his head up too. We both looked around. I felt my ear again, still bloody. Ross stood up a little and opened the door. He stumbled out. I followed, but my legs felt weak. I climbed out, but then tripped and fell onto the ground. I just laid there on my side.

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