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Olivia's POV:
Walking out of the set brings a whole new level of happiness to me, no offense I adore my job but of course it tires the shit out of me. As I got out to go to the parking lot, I spotted my car and immediately got in. I ignited the engine with the key and drove out. I started driving on the streets of London. London, ah, I love my home, I was born and bought up in the UK, I'm not much of a 'countryside' person but I still love London, as a model I always travelled the world for different shows and shoots, it's honestly crazy how big and vast this world is but there is this one place that has my whole heart, New York, yea fucking New York that bitch just dosen't make me wanna leave that place, at all.

As I was passing through the cookie shops I couldn't resist but but halt and take few, yea the diets and blah blah but who cares? Everyone deserves one cheat day

Bitch you could litreally cheat everyday if you were not suppose to maintain this 'bang me right now' figure.

Okay, whatever.

I was about to get out but the ring of my phone stopped me, Danica's name popped,

"What is so important at this time of the hour D?" I asked, annoyed.

"Hello to you too liv" she said, I don't understand, is it so difficult to get straight to the point?

" I would highly appreciate if you'd just cut the crap" I said, frustrated

" 1: you're a grumpy bitch, 2: I just called to say get your ass to NYC tomorrow I got what you asked me to get" she said, boringly.

"1: I'm not grumpy you have a horrible timing, 2: fucking fantastic, be there tomorrow, good night" I said and cut the call


Finally, it's here.

- - -

At home

I walked in the house munching my cookies and spotted mom on her laptop.

"Hey mom" I greeted her and kissed her forehead.

"Hey honey, rough day at work?" mom asked, sweetly

"Nah, just tired and terribly hungry, where's dad?" I asked

"Out with some work, why don't you get changed while I ask the maids to get the dishes ready?" she asked

"Sounds awesome, be right back", with that I headed upstairs had a quick bath and went downstairs.

I saw mom serving food and immediately plopped down on the chair and started shoving food in my mouth like I've been starving for days

I'm a sucker for food

I was so busy eating food I almost didn't notice, mum wasn't having food but was watching me have food? Sis what?

"Are you fasting or something mum?" I asked

"No, of course not" she said, amused

"Okay, so why aren't you having food?" I asked

"Oh about that, waiting for your dad hon, he said he'll be late today but since you were starving I let you have" she said

"Well, if he said he's gonna be late why are you starving yourself, who knows how long it might take you know dad is such a workaholic and so are you so am I, so just have food" I said

" No it's fine you have, i'll have with him" she said

"Mom, chill out, you don't have to be so old school and do the whole 'I will have food only with my husband even if it means starving the whole day' drama, you know dad wouldn't mind infact he'd be happy you had food" I said, I don't understand what's this logic of eating food together like bro, If I was hungry I'd have food and not wait for my husband to show up cause hey, I'm hungry, you wanted to eat together? too bad you're late.

"Oh honey, I am not starving myself I had fruits an hour back and as for the having food together thing, I do that because I like talking to your dad while having food, I like how he dosen't tell me immediately how his day was saying "it was usual" and how I have to force it out of him and then how he tells me the fun part and then how I tell him about my work. Honey, marriage isn't always about adjustments and old school traditions, sometimes you just do these things for your partner because you care because you want to have a conversation, because you missed them" she said, in the most loving way

"okawy vove guwlu" I said while stuffing food in my mouth, she just chuckled and went back to whatever she was doing. To be honest my parents relationship is the most weirdest relationship to me like there's my dad with this big fat ego and attitude but extremely soft at heart and mom with her kindness and sweetness and patience, like yea opposites attract but isn't this just like...too opposite? Anyway why do I care?

I got done with dinner and was heading back to my room when I remembered

"Hey mom, I'll be heading for New york tomorrow" I informed her

"Olivia Melissa White, wait right there" she practically barked

Didn't she like hate Melissa?

I turned around and said "didn't you like hate granny?"

"Ofcourse I hated her but that's not the point" she said

Yea mom kinda had a hate thing for granny according to her she was a total bitch, but her last wish to dad was to give her granddaughter or grandson her middle name, how'd they give a boy the middle name? That would be ridiculous

"Earth to livvie, this is practically the third time in the same month you'll be visiting new york" she said

"Yea, work calls" I tried to sound as causal as I can.

" Uh huh work calls to NYC thrice a week? Fishy not?" she said, suspiciously

"Mom c'mon you better than anyone else know how things work, didn't expect this from you" I said

"Hmph, yes, you're right" she said

"Exac-" I was cut in between

"It's not like you're some assassin or something always on the run and torturing people" she chuckled

Holy mother of Italians

"Seriously mom? Do I look like I have all the time of the world? Get some food you're loosing your mind" I said

"No I'll wait, anyway when are you planning to come back?"

Fuck, who knows how long this will take

"Mmm, not sure, might take some days I'll keep you updated, a'ight?" I said

"Okay, g'night" she said

"G'night" I said and left.

I entered my room and got myself cozy under my blanket the thoughts of tomorrow and how close I am to getting what I want hovered my mind as darkness welcomed me.

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