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Olivia's POV:

He isn't that bad. I know he isn't. He isn't what people make him look like, he's done bad stuff, yes. He isn't a bad person though. He's just... he's just complicated.

I was currently sitting in my office. Lost in thoughts, as usual. I can't believe it, I really need to choose now?

Honestly, everything was getting do heavy, I'm planning to return NYC tomorrow itself. Dad is probably gonna be mad at me but I'll figure a way out.

I sighed and looked at my laptop. I was going through some e-mails. I read one and then zoned out.

I was about to read the second one when my phone rang.

Danica calling...

Good, let's rant.

I picked up the call.

"Dude, you have a such a good timing, teach Blaz-" She cut me off.

"Livvie, I need you to come back to New York, asap." She sounded worried.

"D? What's wrong?" I asked.

"Well, um, take it easy alright?" She said.

"Spill D." I said, annoyed.

"Okay so umm...After you left, the same night Blaze got a call from Emanuel it seems. They had a lot of yelling and threatening and whatever it is that mobs tell each other." She said.

"So then, obviously, Blaze told us the next day and shit and there was an update from the hacking team and spy at the same time. Turns out Emanuel had a temporary base in Pennsylvania-" I cut her off.

"Had?" I questioned.

"Let me finish bitch." She said.

"Alright go on." I urged her to continue.

"So Blaze took a decison on spot that he'll be going there undercover. We said he should take a team but well, he's the mob, he kinda threatened to kill us all if we argue." Typical Blaze.

"He left in an hour and today is like the 3rd day and we literally have no response from his side and it's kinda...scary now. The entire mafia has been worried, we can't make any decisions as the boss isn't here so you kinda need to...head back, like really head back." She concluded.

"3 days? 3 DAYS? Why didn't someone inform me in the first place? IM THE FUCKING QUEEN FOR GOD SAKE!" I said.

"Hey! He told us not to. Who's gonna go against him." She said.

"D I swear to god. Fuck it. I'm coming." I said and cut the call.

Blaze...what have you got yourself into?

∆ ∆ ∆ ∆

I was packing my bag at the moment as mom was pacing around the room. I was trying so hard to keep a normal face but I was worried sick. My anxiety wasn't helping either.

"Mom, stop pacing around the room." I said.

"Livvie, he's your dad okay? He was just worried that doesn't mean you get mad and leave in a day!" Mom whined.

"For billionth time that's not why I'm leaving mom." I said, tired.


I dropped the clothes and threw my hands in the air.

"What mom!" I said.

She came closer to me.

"Olivia, I've been noticing since yesterday, what's wrong?" She asked.

I sighed.

"It's Blaze." I said.

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