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Olivia's POV:

I feel so done.

I don't wanna go with him. Everytime I think that he isn't as bad as people make him he underestimates me.

I've been doing a lot of thinking the whole day. If he wants to be cold, then so be it. I'll be a bitch too. I was trying to be nice but he doesn't deserve nice.

I had reached home and hour back and was getting ready to meet the TBM members. I wasn't really dressing up much. Just a leather jeans with a white top. I combed my hair and applied liner and lipstick.

I heard the door open and in came Mr. Arrogant Cockroach.

"You ready?" He asked.

I didn't reply and just nodded.

We got out of the room and headed downstairs as we got out of the house.

He unlocked his car as we both got inside. Sitting in his Black Lamborghini was the only thing that excited me.

He started driving.

I could see from my peripheral vision that he was glancing at me every 5 minutes.
Yea no. I'm not gonna talk.

"Everything okay, Olivia?" He questioned.

I nodded again.

I could feel him clench his jaw.

Whatcha mad at bitch? I'm suppose to be mad.

Yes thankyou.

I continued to royally ignore him.

∆ ∆ ∆ ∆

We had almost reached. Atleast I felt so.

"You can freely converse with the girls there. They're all nice." Blaze said softly.

"Ok." I said.

"Olivia, I'm taking you to meet my friends. I don't wanna answer them as to why my girlfriend is grumpy." He said.

Yes I'm mad but please. My girlfriend.

Shut up hoe.

"Well, don't worry. I won't embarrass you in front of your friends." I assured.

"That's not what I meant." He said.

"I don't need explanations let's just get this done with." I said.

He sighed and parked the car.

We were at an isolated place. There weren't much people or any houses or buildings here. The only building that stood was the one we were standing in front of.

"C'mon." He said.

We started walking.

Please be a light evening.

∆ ∆ ∆ ∆

So far this meeting with the TBM was very interesting and chill. The girls were so cool. Most of them are girlfriends, few married. Who knew the Russian, Spanish, Italian and French mafia would have girls so nice.

I was honestly expecting some whores.

I was very happy to see Katherine again, she practically jumped on me when she saw me.

"So Olivia?" Katherine called me.

"Yea?" I asked sipping my beer.

"How'd you and Blaze meet?" She asked.

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