Chapter 42

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Blaze's Pov:

warning: torture.

I walked out of the elevator and headed straight towards the dungeons. Tyberias called me few minutes back and said that they caught the guy who was spying on us in London and helped with the attack.

I was walking through the cells to reach the one at the very end. This guy better start talking soon.

I entered the cell. A guy with a bloodied face was tied to a chair. I walked closer as Marcus kept a chair in front of me.

"Talk." I ordered as I sat down on the chair.

"Fuck of loser." He said

I pulled him by the jaw and said.


"You know what Blaze? you're lucky Emmanuel is letting your puta live for long, she'd be dead by now." He said.

My jaw clenched and I punched him across the face.

"Trust me Blaze, he will first snatch the stone from you and then your girl, I would too you know? I mean look at those curves, it would be good to be deep-" I took my gun out and shot him on the dick.

"You will only answer what I ask you to." I said.

He just smirked at me.

"What makes you think I will tell you anything?"

I walked to the tables where all the equipments were kept. I picked up a sharp dagger and dipped into some acid and went to him.

I walked closer and scratched his forehead with it as he cried in agony. I saw his skin burn and coming out, a wave of satisfaction passed within me.

"Talk." I gritted again.

" really...think you'll end E-Emannuel? you're a..a loser Knight, give up." He said.

"Get me the knives." I said.

Tyberias handed me the knives as I again took slow steps towards him.

"What is he planning?" I asked.

He again just smirked at me.

I slid the knife right into his abdomen and twisted it as blood oozed out.

He kept screaming but just wouldn't talk.

"Spill, fast." I said.

"What is the point...huh? you're going to kill me..anyway." He said as I took the knife out.

I let him stay like that for a few more seconds.

"Blaze, you're gonna make her just like you, a cold heartless monster. You have always been this way, what makes you think you deserve any good? Angels don't stick with demons, don't forget that. Darkness is your home, it will always be your home. You are meant for darkness, everything you do is just going to dim her light. You will do nothing but tear her apart, break her and tame her soul. You are a curse, why do you think people you love haven't stayed in your life? it's because of you! you were a curse to them. Olivia, is going to be no exception either she will leave you or she will end up dea-" I shot him right in the heart.

There was complete silence, for few seconds until I started shooting again. I put a bullet through his skull, through his shoulders, through his abdomen, his legs and his eyes. I took the knives and walked closer to him as I tore open his chest and kept cutting his arteries and tearing his skin till there was nothing left.

"Blaze, let go! he's dead." I heard tyberias say.

I dropped the knives and immediately stood up and walked towards him as I took him by the neck and slammed him to the closest wall.

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