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No no no no, not now

"Game on, Shadow" I heard a very annoying voice behind me

I turned around and saw his stupid smirk, I looked at D and saw her equally confused. I could feel his men getting closer, I had to do something, I can't let them kill me without knowing where is the other half of the map, I can't die without knowing if the blue stone is where it deserves to be, beside the throne.

Okay maybe I'll have to take a chance

"D, the injectors" I said

Danica immediately ran and got them

I turned to Mr. Arrogant ass

"Too bad, can't let you go that easily now can I?" I said

"Don't even try-" he was cut off

Danica injected the toxin into him as well to the others

Okay now we just need to get them out of here without a whole mafia killing us, easy.


I went in my room and immediately went towards the window, I saw no one

Where the fuck are they?

I couldn't waste time so I ran to my dagger drawer and picked up the best stuff, I took two guns and put one on my thigh and the other one on my ankle and got out.

As soon as I got out I saw Danica getting out of her room as well with guns and daggers.

"Okay, let's get them out" she said

I nodded and was about to take a step when I heard a knock on the door.

Why would they knock?

Before I could process I heard Giselle's voice

"Liv, hon it's me open up" she said

What if they're using her to lure us out?

I went towards the door and just said "Roses?"

She said "No Livvie, it's just me"

I sighed and opened the door.

Giselle got in, in her sunflower dress

Giselle was our neighbor, she knew who and what we were, hell she could fight too she practically saved our asses quite a few times. Her husband was an assassin it seems and died in an attack with the Italian mafia, Giselle was the sweetest but the most badass soul ever.

I remember telling her that if there is ever a situation and people are holding you as a bait to lure us out, you say 'thorns' it meant danger and when I asked 'Rose' it meant 'are or is danger'.

Giselle saw the guys and almost made a shocked face, almost.

"Is that the multi-millionaire Blaze Knight?" she asked

"Sadly, yes" D said

"And why exactly have y'all kidnapped him?" she asked

"1. He owns the American mafia. 2. He knows about the blue stone, I guess" I said

She just nodded

Giselle knew everything about the blue stone

"So all the gunshots and everything were because of him?" she asked

"Yea, looks like the American mafia is here" D said

"And we need to get them out of here without dying" I said

His Path Of RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now