Chapter 47

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Olivia's Pov:
It was a month since that spine chilling incident with Blaze. I would be lying if I said I wasn't terrified, my heart almost stopped beating when I saw his bloodied body, it was no less than a nightmare for me.

The only time I could actually properly breathe was after he was completely treated and the doctor said that he was out of danger. As much as I was aware that his body was use to this and the brain or the heart weren't damaged, I knew he would be fine and survive but still, in that moment the fear I felt was unexplainable.

After that, all I could feel was rage, unbearable rage. Next thing I know, I was in the dungeons slowly and painfully taking the life out of those two scums. I was so full of vengeance that I almost took their lives if Blaze wouldn't have showed up. The fact that he didn't let me take a life is still not understood to me but that is a conversation for another time.

Today, I had planned something. I was going to get rid of Blaze's fear of darkness.

I had actually consulted a professional about this for the whole month. Of course he kept suggesting that I should bring Blaze to him but I knew that wasn't an option. However, he did help me understand Blaze's whole situation. He told me that this is not something that will go away in a day, small efforts is the only way he will make it through. So, I've been trying few things this whole month. I tried switching off the lights of the dungeons when he would visit after the sunset but I made sure I was with him, he would never show his fear but I could make out he felt trapped. I also tried to switch off the light of the washroom twice while he was having bath in the night but of course I kept a small dim bulb on. Other than that, I tried keeping the room dark while sleeping without any moon light coming in but he just wouldn't let that happen.

Although, today I was planning on taking a bigger step. I wanted him to face his fear of darkness. He would definitely not entirely get over it today, but it had to start somewhere and that's exactly what I was gonna do.


"You guys ready?" I asked Greta, Tyberias and Marcus.

Greta nodded confidently while Marcus and Tyberias still looked unsure.

"Guys, we'll all be there, it'll be fine." I tried to assure them.

They slowly looked at each other and nodded.

"Good, let's get this going then. But, checklist before that." I said.

"Greta did you get the torches out of his study?" I asked.

"Yes, got it this morning." She said.

"Marcus, how about the curtains?" I asked.

"Glued them, boss won't be able to move them." He explained.

"How about his phone and lighter Tyberias?" I asked.

"I sneaked his phone out when I went in 10 minutes back and borrowed the lighter in the morning itself." He said.

"Okay we're all good then. WAIT!" I said realising something.

"What if he uses his laptop as a source to get light?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it, I saw his battery was about to die and I hid the charger." Tyberias said.

"Okay, is there any other source of light?" I asked.

"I don't think so, we've got everything covered." Greta confirmed.

''Okay then. Guys, no matter how much he screams to let him out, remember we can't okay? the minute I feel he can't bear it anymore I will pull him out, but I want y'all to be very calm okay?" I asked one last time.

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