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Olivia's POV:

I can't believe the guts of this guy, he was in no state to say no to me or even insult me for that matter nor were his two little bitches.

Honestly, finding the American mafia at a nowhere of Brooklyn was so very unexpected.


Awesome, a dead end, as if we didn't know it isn't one.

It was past half an hour me and Danica were looking for something, ANYTHING to be honest, at this point I'd be happy to even see a bird.

"Dan, is your point proven?" I asked, annoyed

"Woman do you not have patience at all?" she asked, annoyed too

Bitch whatcha annoyed at? This was your plan

"You wanted to come at a dead end and look for fucking clues, very smart" I said

She flipped me her middle finger, whenever either of us flipped the middle finger,it meant that the conversation should end for good and the other one should fuck off quietly I sighed and kept walking.

Man I swear to god if she makes me walk a minute more I'm gonna punch her righ-

"OH MY GOD" I heard her whisper yell

Before I could react I was pulled behind a car,

Wait, how come I didn't see a car here?

"Since when is this car here? Why didn't I notice? And WHY TF ARE WE HIDING BEHIND IT?" I whisper yelled

"1. The car just arrived, 2.maybe you're blind, 3. Look straight" she said

I saw straight, yea the rusty walls and dirty leaves and a men in black suits and blah blah bla- wait what?

Men in black suits? WHAT

I payed close attention and what I saw practically threw my eyeballs out of their sockets

Blaze Knight


With Asher Radcliffe and Shawn Carson

What on god's green Earth?

Blaze Knight was America's most successful multi-millionaire and a bachelor, people say the guy is pretty serious about is work and way too aggressive.

Shawn and Asher were his business partners.

"Am I actually blind or are you seeing America's multi-millionaire too?" I asked

"No you aren't blind yes that's him" she said

We saw them walking towards another rusty wall and Blaze pullet out a brick and then opened a pathway


Danica pulled me from behind the car and slowly we started following them

As we got inside what I saw almost blew my mind,

A whole fucking safe space.

This place honestly reeked of blood and sweat, there were dungeons all around but there weren't any people in it

Bitch what? What's the use of this place then?

Also there was barely any light here only a little peeking from the blocks and wholes and ofcourse the torch the guys were using.

His Path Of RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now