Chapter 45

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Olivia's Pov:

Can't believe I've lived the 6 most amazing months of my life. Me and Blaze have been doing pretty good, there is not a day where we don't face danger or something scary but in the end of the day we're next to each other and that's all that matters. 5 out 7 days we argue. have sex. back to normal, as unhealthy as it sounds, which it definitely is, that's the only way we function.

There is still a lot we have to workout on but none makes much efforts for that, I like it the way it is, I like him the way he is.

Egoistic- arrogant - quirky- cute- sexy jerk.

"Livvie, it's been half an hour do you ever plan to leave?" Blaze asked barging into the room.

"Do you have 0 patience, Knight?" I asked.

"Do not test my patience Olivia, it will end in bloodshed." He replied and I rolled my eyes.

We were suppose to head to the HQ for an important meeting with the TBM. I was almost ready when an important E-mail came. I got informed that I get to ramp for the Milan Fashion week. It has been my absolute dream to ramp for the MFW, the only problem is. Blaze. I don't know if I can leave him alone.

He is not a kid.

I know, but I also know that it is very salient for me to be here. If I agree for the MFW I will have to leave for a year because this fashion week happens once in a year and people from all over the globe visit it. The models are invited for a whole year for the training and other programmes.

I haven't told him yet but I do plan to very soon.

"Olivia, you're taking longer than usual, I'm leaving." Blaze announced.

"Fuck." I muttered and just tied my hair into a high pony and took my bag hurriedly and followed him out of the room.

"Blaze, I'm sure you could've waited a few more minutes for your, girlfriend." I said.

"Girlfriend or not livvie, I don't like being late." He said as we stepped out of the house.

Me and Blaze mutually decided that nicknames are very cliché and cringey, besides we didn't have any nor did we want any. He calls me livvie, liv or Olivia and I stick to Blaze or his last name, otherwise we just follow the bro-code 90% of the time.

I sighed and smiled.

No doubt you love this man.

"What's the meeting about anyway?" I queried.

"A deal the TBM works out every year, you'll know once we reach." He said.

I nodded as he ignited the engine and we left.


"Blaze, we still say let us help with the Emmanuel situation, it'll be out of your way sooner." Dante said.

"I don't need charity Accardi." Blaze said.

This meeting was apparently about the drug cartel in Brazil, it is the TBM's very first establishment together and also the most successful one, they have yearly meeting to discuss if there any changes to be made and to check the statistics.

The talk about it was done half an hour back and then, came up the Emmanuel topic.

Turns out the entire TBM have been willing to help us forever now, but Blaze with his big fat ego won't take help.

"Blaze, we don't want to poke our nose in your business but all we're saying us, we can work together and just hand him over to you, rest you decide." Ivan said.

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