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Blaze's POV:

I was ready to leave for the HQ, but I knew Greta won't let me go without having breakfast, even though I wasn't hungry, the woman has this weird logic of 'if you don't eat breakfast you'll be grumpy all day'. Sure.

I went downstairs and sat on my usual seat waiting for Greta to serve me.

She appeared with my plate after few minutes.

"Good morning Blaze" she greeted me.

"Morning" I said back.

She kept my plate and I started having the boiled egg and boiled veggies.

Greta left to do some other. I finished and was about to leave when she appeared again.

"Blaze! Wait" she called out.

I turned and saw her hurrying to me.

"Yea?" I interrogated.

"I heard the mafia finally got a queen, oh my god I'm so happy! when do I get to see this girl?" I wish you could, you'd love her.

"Probably never" I answered coldly.

"Oh, why?" she asked, bit sadly.

"Greta it's better if she stays out of my life, out of the walls of this house and every house of mine. The only time she'll be a part of my life will be for the formalities that the mafia needs. I made an impromptu decision to teach her a lesson, that's all. You know I don't believe in all this shit" I stated.

"Blaze, don't get me wrong, but she's already a part of your life. She's the mafia queen now, of course she's a part of your life, she owns the mafia as much as you do, all your enemies are hers too now. All your deals and allies and agreements will be carried forward with her consent too, she'd technically even be a part of your life when you'll be sick or who'd lead the mafia in your absence?" Greta gave me her long list.

"Greta firstly, just because she's the queen doesn't mean she's a part of my life. She doesn't have to, she doesn't NEED to. As for her consent, that will be taken when required. She isn't my wife she needn't worry about my health. I know you want to meet her but it would be better if you won't, I don't want her getting attached to anyone from my life, it's better that way, it's better if she hates everything about me." I ended my long list of 'why Olivia should stay away from me'.

Greta sighed and gave me a sad a look.

"What about the blue stone? She needs to own that, it belongs beside her throne" she asked curiously.

Well I didn't think about that.

"She doesn't need to know it exists" yes she doesn't.

"But Blaze, she's the only one who it should belongs to" Greta retorted.

"Greta, it's belongs to out family, not hers, it will be that way, end of discussion. I'm leaving" I said and left.

"That girl is your way out of darkness Blaze, don't push her away" I faintly heard Greta saying and left.

I unlocked my car and got inside and started driving. As I was driving I couldn't help but think about Olivia and what Greta said in the end.

See? Even Greta knows, it's better if she's around.

She can't.

But you need her, you know you need her.

I don't need anyone.

How long? How long are you planning to be alone? Why can't you just accept that she makes things happier for you, your heart likes her.

Nobody likes her.

Fine, convince yourself, but please, let her in, let her embrace you, it's okay.

It's not, and it shouldn't be.

I focused on driving and soon reached the HQ. Today's gonna be a long day.

∆ ∆ ∆ ∆

I had already settled down in my office and was going through a few deals we were about to sign.

I saw Marcus coming towards my cabin hurriedly with a look of...fear?

He stepped inside swiftly.

"Boss...Emanuel" he was panting.

"EMANUEL WHAT?" I was yelling now.

"Emanuels last location was in UK, London, boss. The place where queen's house is, to be exact" he answered.

"Where is she? She's still in New York right?" I tried to ask as calmly as possible.

"Yes boss, the word has spread out that the American mafia has got a queen, Emanuel is furious, he's after the blue stone now more than ever, the queen needs to own it, it has to be next to her throne." Shit.

"Fuck the stone, I need to make sure Olivia is safe, send one of our strongest men to keep an eye on her, report me every hour" I said and was about to leave.

"But boss, where do I send the man, we don't know where the queen stays" yes, we don't.

Fuck, what now?

"Inform the core team, get them in the conference room I'll be there" Marcus nodded and left.

I'm sorry Olivia, you'll have to end up staying with me. I can't risk your life.

I got my phone out of my pocket and immediately dialed Olivia's number as I had taken it last night.

She picked up after 3 rings.

"What Blaze?" she asked annoyed.

"Pack your bags, I'm coming to pick you up" I ordered.

"What the fuck, why?" because I'm saying so.

"Don't question me, be ready" I said coldly.

"Listen, I'm not going anywhere with you, just because I'm the queen doesn't mean you're gonna order me around bitch, I'm not going anywhere, I made myself clear last night, that I wouldn't live with you." She ended.

"Watch your tone Olivia, you're talking to the mob, it won't take few seconds for me to end someone you deeply care for. Send me the fucking address and pack your bags, no questions asked, am I clear?" I asked.

"You bit-" why is she so stubborn?

"Am I clear Olivia?" I tried again.

"Fuck, fine" she cut the call.

She sent me the address and I took my keys and left.

I won't let anything happen to you Olivia, if that means forcing you to live with me, then so be it.

Honestly, I love writing about blaze's subconscious, it just makes me emotional for some weird asf reason.


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