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Blaze's POV:

I stepped inside the big hall as Olivia followed me.

I wonder what she's gonna do

"Olivia yo-" she just passed through me without answering.

I saw her making her way towards the French mafia, I followed her too.

"Bonjour, je suis Olivia White, j'espère que vous nous amusez tous." She said fluently in french.


Louis just looked at her astonished.

"Well, firstly, it's a pleasure to meet the queen herself, and yes we're enjoying ourselves,also, it's very impressive how fluently you can speak French" Olivia just smirked at this.

"Well, the pleasures all mine, Louis, since I've officially taken over as the queen I thought me and Blaze here can discuss a few things" Olivia declared.

"Sure, tell me" Olivia smirked again.

What is this woman thinking about.

"Well Louis, you're one of the members of the TBM, I vividly recall you approaching me to join the French mafia for good-" Louis cut her off and said.

"Why would I ask a random city girl to join my mafia? Besides, if I did back then want a girl in my bed I would've done it the easier way" Louis was testing her but my patience was ticking.

She isn't my whore.

Olivia took a deep breath,

"Well, I can assure you I'm more than a city girl, Louis. I'd formally like to introduce myself as the Shadow." She said with confidence.

Louis mouth slightly hung open but regained his posture.

"Blaze, when were you gonna let us know that Olivia isn't just a model but shadow herself?" Louis looked at me.

"She wanted it to be hidden all this while, perhaps she changed her mind" I stated calmly.

Olivia gave both of us a small smile and continued.

"As I was saying, you had asked me to join your mafia but I rejected, I had a reason, my sources tell me even though you are a part of the TBM and play a major role in supplying guns, why is it that your allies, the Mexicans, accusing you of major betrayal?" Now Olivia was definitely testing Louis.

The TBM members were well aware of Louis' betrayal to the Mexicans, it was suppose to go smooth and it did, but later the Mexicans came back for revenge, however this was among the TBM I wonder how she came to know.

"Well you see Olivia, when it comes to wealth and power people go to any extent, be it accusing your own allies" Louis tried to cover up.

"True that. But I do wonder why the French mafia, owners of the major supply of guns in the underworld, members of TBM, having a good chunk of money and land not to mention so much power, would make a deal of 300 billion francs with the Mexicans for guns and take the money and wipe all the evidence of the deal" Louis looked a little scared now.

This is impossible, none knew this but the TBM members, how'd she.

"You win Olivia, this was more than a deal, the Mexicans a few years back had discreetly tried to take our wealth back in France, it led to war, in which we won and they surrendered, they asked for forgiveness and after a lot of discussion they were forgiven, they wanted to be our allies, we agreed. Everything went well for few months but then they tricked my grandfather and took away the wealth. The French mafia was in trouble for 4 years, until me, after I took over I got it back on track, I asked the Mexicans to become our allies again and this time, I tricked them" Louis confessed.

She did not just make louis confess.

"I'm glad you confessed Louis, I would like to continue us being allies, as well as the members of TBM, thankyou, enjoy yourselves." She said and started walking away.

This time I followed her like a lost puppy, shocked would be an understatement. I was beyond shocked.

She abruptly turned to me and asked.

"Which mafia next?" well, wow.

I told her about the other members of the TBM, the big mafias, these included 5 of us, the French, the Italian, the Russian, the Spanish and the American.

She went to the Russian next and after that to the Spanish and used the same tricks, first introduced herself as shadow and brought out a deep secret.

Now it was time for the Italian mafia, meaning, Dante Accardi.

The guy was married to Katherine, but I hated him with all my guts, it was mutual, reason? Well neither of us know we just hate each other.

I stood beside her as she looked for Dante and his men.

"Where are they?" I looked around too, but didn't find him.

I called Marcus.

"Where are the Italians?" I asked

"Boss, Dante's right hand Emilio told me he and Katherine had to leave immediately as Katherine's mother was rushed to the hospital" oh.

I cut the call and turned towards her.

"There was an emergency. They had to leave" she just nodded.

"So, let me make myself clear, I'm not gonna stay with you, yes I'm the queen, yes I will be there when needed but I'm not staying with you" she made herself clear.

I wanted to protest

Please stay, I wanna be around you.

What? No, she can go.

"Whatever you wish, it's not like you'd end up in my bed anyway I've seen better" I said coldly.

"Aw, sad, you've only seen better, you'd never get to see the best" she blew me a flying kiss and was about to leave when I pulled her by the waist.

"Oh, don't worry princess, I've seen better cause I wanted better, the minute I decide to see the best, I'll make sure to rip off every piece of clothing on your body" I whispered in her left ear and left her waist.

She was flushed, but tried to glare at me and failed miserably.

I winked at her as she finally left.

I really wish you'd stay.

She doesn't have to, she can't.

∆ ∆ ∆ ∆

The ceremony was over. Olivia had left and I was back in my office going through e-mails but a certain brunette wasn't leaving my mind.

Why didn't I stop her.

It's better that way, she can't be with me, yes I made her the queen but that's that, she'll only be present here for formalities.

But why? It feels good when she's around, it feels peaceful, it feels happy.

Because she is the light, the star, she will always shine and I'm the dark sky, that spreads wherever I go.

Don't the stars shine make the dark sky shine too?

Yes they do but this star shouldn't, I can't dim her brightness, she's too good for that, I know I'm suppose to tame her soul but somewhere in my heart I can't.

See even the heart wants her.

The heart always makes stupid decisions, it's the brain that's always right.


Fuck, I'm loosing my shit I should get back to work.

Fine, but remember, the heart wants what it wants.

Blaze and his subconscious convo's are my new fav now, his subconscious is sucha a baby🥺


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