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Blaze's POV:

We had landed in Greece and were on our way back home. Olivia seemed pretty normal.

For the first time in so many years Me and Accardi had an heart to heart, over a girl. Trust me I would've never seen that one coming, ever.

"Um, Blaze?" I heard Olivia and turned to her.

"Hm?" I asked whilst driving.

"You told me Dante almost gave up the mafia for Katherine, what did you mean?" She questioned.

I sighed.

"Dante and Katherine got married 2 years back. Dante met Katherine at a club and they had a scene until she got to know he was the Italian mob. She accepted him regardless and things were fine. There were certain ups and downs. Things started getting bad when Dante spent more time with the mafia business, Katherine didn't like the shady stuff and killing and torturing. Katherine eventually got pregnant and told Dante, they were happy. She asked Dante to leave the mafia, Dante disagreed. They had a fight she left had a miscarriage, Dante didn't know for 6 months until they met again and Dante was on his knees begging her to marry him and promised to leave the mafia. She felt bad because she didn't wanna change who Dante was and agreed to marry him regardless. The end" I concluded.

"I- WOW." She said

I smirked.

"No doubt people are ready to give up anything for Love." Olivia said.

"It's insane. You can't just give up your mafia like that, this shit ain't no joke." I said.

"Well, if you really really really love someone and want to spend the rest of your lives together I don't see the problem in a fresh start." Olivia said.

"If someone actually loved me, they wouldn't want me to change. They'd be on the run with me, all the time." I said looking her straight in the eye.

"It's just scary. I'm use to it but for a normal person it's scary. Besides, the person has to give up everything for keeping this a secret." Olivia almost whispered.

"Well, if love exists, it's that for me." I said.

"Seeing the other person suffer only to be with you?" She asked.

"No, trying to understand, that if I had a choice I would've left, but I don't." I muttered.

"What are the chances they'll always stick together? What if they're too different?" She asked.

"Regardless, he will always promise to be there. Try to atleast, be there." I said.

"She'll get very annoying and even desperate for attention sometimes." She whispered again.

"Then she'll get all the attention in the world." I whispered too.

"What if she isn't who he thinks she is?" She asked.

"Well, he can assure her that in his hell full of demons, she will always stand out as an angel." I said.

"What if she isn't an angel?" She questioned.

"Then, she'll be his Favorite demon." I smiled and she chuckled.

She looked at me and smiled.

"Well, being on the run sounds okayish then." She whispered.

"It does." I said.

This didn't anymore feel like we were talking about Katherine and Dante or any third person. It felt like we were talking about each other. Together.

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