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Blaze's POV:

We were all still at HQ. Except Olivia.

You've gotta spoil the good stuff, don't you?

That wasn't the intention. I've always been this way it's a little hard to change.

Of course she got mad and left.

I asked Marcus to follow her and check if she reached home properly.

We didn't have much discussion because I was in no place to tell them what's to be done next.

I was leaving to go home.

I heard Asher stop me.

"Blaze!" I turned.

"Yea?" I asked.

He sighed.

"C'mon man, she doesn't deserve that. You know she doesn't." He said.

"Ash, we were having a good time before we came here. Emanuel basically is hell bent on taking away everyone and everything I care about." I said.

"Just..just go home. Talk to her." He said while I nodded and left.

I headed towards the elevator and stepped in.

After good 2 minutes the elevator dinged open.

I stepped out and speedily walked towards the parking lot.

I sat inside my car and ignited the engine.

∆ ∆ ∆ ∆

While driving I couldn't help but think what am I gonna tell her once I reach home.

Should I take a gift or some shit?

Yea what tho?

Erm, I don't know?

Forget, just get home.


I sighed.

Honestly, the other night, I couldn't take it anymore. She hating me was hurting me too much, it got unbearable.

I want to show her this is not how I intent on behaving with her. So I decided, I'll be selfish. I know it isn't right, not fot her but I can't pretend anymore. I can't pretend like I don't care, because I do.

I know I was suppose to tame her soul and make her vulnerable but I can't see her hurting. I know I hurt her the most, but I don't want to do it on purpose.

The whole point of arranging a date for the both of us was to apologise.

Which I did and she almost forgave me too.

Until Emanuel decided to blow it up.


That moment when she hugged me on the beach. I felt complete. I felt peace.

Something about her is very soothing.

The happiness on her face when she saw the arrangements on the, I would do it everyday, for that fucking smile.

When she saw her favourite food, she looked at with so much adoration she didn't even realize she looked so beautiful just looking at her food. Without any effort

It didn't hit me I had reached home, I was so busy thinking about her.

I got out and locked the car as I walked towards the house.

I opened the door with the spare key and entered.

I saw her sitting on the couch with her laptop.

His Path Of RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now