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Blaze's Pov:

London. The place where it all started. The city that demolished everything. The city that tore my family apart.

Yet, here I am, in this city, for a girl.

I had suspicions on if, Olivia was anyway related to the Kings as it was impossible for Emmanuel to not know about Shadow. After a lot of background checks and discussions we had come to the conclusion that she is nowhere related to them. I had felt a relieve like never before.

Driving through these streets boils my blood, I have nothing but pure hatered for this city. if it weren't for her I wouldn't have been here on the first place

I parked my car outside the big mansion and got out.

I took my phone out and called Marcus.

"Boss." He said.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"Dinner hall, boss." He replied.

I cut the call.

I started walking inside the mansion and met Marcus on the way.

"How was the plane travel?" I asked.

"Apologies, boss." He said looking down.

I sighed. By now, I know Olivia very well, she is very much capable of annoying anyone and everyone if she wants to and that's the reason I assigned Marcus for her safety. Marcus is a very calm and composed man, I knew he would deal with Olivia.

I was inside the mansion and walking towards the dinner hall now. I opened the door and walked inside and my eyes immediately landed on a certain brunette, looking pretty as ever laughing at someone's joke.


I looked towards the direction she was looking at and my eyes landed on the same guy Marcus sent me a picture of, few days back.

My jaw clenched and my hands balled into a fist.

I was about to take out my gun, and end his pathetic life.

"Blaze!" I heard an angelic voice.

I saw Olivia get up from her seat and run towards me, she was about to jump when I had to remind her.

"You sure, you want to jump on me while the whole family is watching?" I whispered.

"Right." She whispered back.

She wrapped her hands around my neck while I wrapped mine around her waist.

It took barely a second for my anger to completely subside.

We stayed like that for a few seconds until she pulled off.

"Hi" She said almost breathlessly.

"Hey" I said whilst pushing a stand of her hair behind.

"Livvie." A tall muscular man with a stern voice said.

Olivia looked towards the man.

"Dad! uh, um- yea, this is Blaze." She introduced.'

I put my hand forward and do did he, we had a manly handshake.

"Pleasure meeting you, Mr. White." I said.

"I'm hoping you'll give me a chance to say the same." He responded.

Olivia nudged her dad while I was caught off guard.

I see where she get's it from.

"Sure sir, looking forward to that." I said.

Never in my whole life have I addressed someone as sir.

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