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Olivia’s POV:

“Okay I swear to god if either of y'all even come an inch closer to me I will rip your heads off and feed them to elephants” I threatened the girls standing in front of me who were here to help me get ready for the stupid ceremony.

“Ma’am, please co-operate, these are boss’s orders” the oldest looking said.

“Your boss can go fuck himself” I was annoyed now, why are these guys so scared of him?

Bitch cause he’s the American mafia we should be scared of him too.

Yea no we aren’t.

You sure?

I mean he is a little intimidating

Little, sure.


They were about to say something when a girl with blond hair barged into the room, we were in some weird room in his HQ, I’m assuming.

“What’s with all the noise- and why aren’t you ready yet?” she asked me.

“Maybe because I don’t wanna be your pathetic mafia’s queen and just run the fuck off” I retorted.

“Okay look, you don’t have a choice nor do I, I can’t help you run and you can’t really run,well, unless you want your parents to die, so why waste your time? Instead get in that sexy as fuck dress and show boss you’re capable of being a real Queen and not because Blaze is making you one” she gave me a wholeass pep-talk

Maybe she isn’t  bad as them.

Yea I like her.

I sighed and nodded, I looked at the older lady and signaled her to get me the ‘sexy as fuck’ dress.

“You’re lucky I like you” I got up and sat in front of the make-up mirror

Why are there so many things I just need few

I know who wants to become a plastic bitch.

“Well, just do me a favor avoid telling Blaze about anything I just said” she stated cooly

“You sound like you’re not scared but are scared of him”

She chuckled and looked at me

“I’m not scared of Blaze, but if he comes to know I gave you a wholeass pep-talk and stuff he’ll throw shit ton of work on me and I don’t wanna miss the ceremony, it’s a big deal for us” she explained.

Well at least someone isn’t scared of him.

I know.

The girls came out with the older woman and my dress, I excused my self and slipped  into the dress, it was indeed a sexy black satin dress which had a cut on my right thigh. It was dress with straps on both sides.

Well at least he has a good choice.


I stepped outside the bathroom and saw all the girls including Stacey gawking at me.

Yea yea I know we’re hot.

Uh huh, born hot.

“Okay ladies, if we’re done with the gawking I have a stupid ceremony to attend” I said catching everyone’s attention.

I went to sit back in front of the vanity while the girls just followed me and were about to start my makeup,

“If either of y’all even touch my face I’ll break your hands” I threatened.

His Path Of RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now