Chapter- 8

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Blaze's pov:

My eyes fluttered open and I saw sunshine right on my face, I looked around and saw Asher and Shawn were still asleep

Where the fuck are we? Did we get drunk and end up here? Because my head is pounding like anything

I looked around and saw, we were at the place space?


She did not just throw us here

Yea she did

The first thing I did is walked towards the other side and went to the wall of our safe space and took the brick out and rushed inside the passage towards the place where the blue stone was

Be there

I entered the passcode and got inside, everything did seem fine but I had to check so I put the password on the big glass and it slid down, there it was I sighed in relief

She didn't take it

I put the blue stone in the pocket of my blazer and got out

I saw Asher and Shawn were still passed out so I did what any mafia boss would do

I took my gun out

Yes I had a gun, no I couldn't use it cause miss white had me tied to those fucking ropes

I shot two bullets in the sky and saw Asher and Shawn jerk up

Hm, good

"What the fuck was that for?" Shawn groaned touching his forehead

"I want Olivia White at our headquarters in the next 3 days and if I don't I'm shooting the both of you" I said while getting in my car

"Now, get the fuck up and get to work" I said as I drove off

As I was driving I couldn't help but think how beautiful of a woman she has grown up to be.

She was always fearless but didn't know she was feisty too but regardless I'm not sparing her for this I have to know why she was there yesterday and why she kidnapped us and what's the story of this map.

She will deserve the treatment for kidnapping the Mob.

I soon reached home and headed straight to my room, I took a shower and got dressed in my black suit and headed down for breakfast.

I went to the breakfast table and started checking my phone and went through the e-mails that's when I saw Stacey and Jace spammed my phone with missed calls and messages

Fuckers better have a good answer for not rescuing us

"Good morning Blaze" I looked up and saw Greta standing with my breakfast

I just nodded at her as she kept my plate on the table

"Not to be nosy but where were you last night? Stacey and Jace were practically looking for you everywhere" she asked

"Personal work" I said

"Oh" she said and left

Greta had been my caretaker ever since I was 6, I bought her with me so that I don't have to worry about what happens in the house in my absence, she knows what I do so I'll always be updated if something goes wrong even though no one really stays here but me and mom visits once in a while, I still need to have a tab on what goes on here in my absence.

I finish my breakfast and head straight for the headquarters.

I enter the HQ and see everyone go quiet and back to their respective work, I head towards the elevator and get in pressing the topmost 30th floor where I had my working space. The elevator dinged open after good 15 seconds and I got out and started walking towards my cabin, on my way I dialed the reception and asked for Stacey and Jace in my cabin immediately.

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