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Olivia's POV:

Do you ever have a murderous vibe towards a non-living thing? I do.

My alarm. My phone alarm.

The annoying thing made annoying noise which made me annoyingly groan and switch it off as I squinted my eyes open.

I realised something was holding me tightly on the waist. Someone precisely.

I saw me and Blaze were in a spooning postion. His body warmth actually made want to fall asleep again but he said we have to be somewhere.

I slowly tried to get out of his hold.

Keyword: tried.

I saw Blaze slowly opening his eyes and groaning annoyingly too.

I feel ya bud.

"Um...Blaze?" I called out slowly.

"Get back to bed Olivia." He said as he patted his hand on my side of the bed.

"Uh, trust me, I would love to but weren't you the one who said we have to be somewhere by 8?" I asked.

Realisation hit him like a truck and now he was wide awake. Nice.

"Fuck. Yes, be ready in 10 minutes." He said as he got up and headed towards the washroom.

How do I get ready in 10 fucking minutes? He is the one went inside the washroom first.

I stomped towards the washroom and banged on the door.

"How are you expecting me to be ready in 10 when you are the ones who's taken the bathroom first." I yelled.

He didn't reply and opened the door instead and pulled me in.

I saw him halfway through his brushing.

He handed my brush and toothpaste and signalled me to go ahead.

I rolled my eyes and started putting the paste on the brush and brush my teeth.

We were both looking so sleepy I don't see why we have to be wherever we have to be at 8 in the morning.

We both got done with brushing as I went to get my towel. Yes I will shower first, he can wait.

I entered the washroom again only to hear the water running down.


"Blaze! You bitch! I was suppose to shower first." I said.

"Get in. I don't mind." He said.

"Yea well, I do jackass." I said.

"Nothing I haven't seen before Olivia get in and don't waste your time." He said.

"No thanks, I'll pass." I said and stomped out.

Who knows what that bath will turn into. I'm trying to avoid his hot as fuck body a shower together will create unnecessary blunder.

You're the dumbest bitch I've ever known.

I'm being practical.

Yea well, stop being practical for once.

Zip it.

After good 15 minutes Blaze came out with a towel wrapped dangerously low.

His v- line gets me I'm not gonna lie.

"You can stare all you want later, get a shower or I'm leaving you." He said harshly.

"Damn, someone's cranky." I said as I got in.

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