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Olivia's POV:

I was all done packing my bags and was leaving for London now.

Me and Blaze were trying to co-exist in the same house. We fought or atleast argued almost everyday but eventually even got back to normal. The only problem was, we didn't get back to normal like normal people. It's like the sex was becoming the solution to our problems.

We fought. Stayed mad. Had sex. Things back to normal.

I didn't really get much time to have a proper conversation about this to him.

3 days back mom called me to inform my sister, Zara was finally getting married in like a month.

Turns out he asked her out and of course she said yes. They decided to get married in a month because Ryan, her 'to be' husband, has got a transfer to France for work purpose.

I was obviously over the moon, me and Zara even spoke later that day, she was beyond excited.

I decided I might as well leave in 3 days.

Mom told me my family wanted to meet Blaze, she asked me to get him.

Honestly, I didn't want Blaze to meet my over dramatic family. My parents yes, I really want him to meet them. My family, not really.

I told him regardless. I'm not really forcing him, as he told me there's an important deal with the Spanish mafia and he'll be heading to Spain. I've left the decision on him.

I'm all ready and about to leave.

I looked at my bag and thought if I've left anything.

I stood there for few more seconds and re-checked everything.

Once I confirmed I've taken everything I closed the zip of my bag and went towards my hand bag.

I checked for my passport and everything.

"Alright, we're good." I said to myself.

"Leaving already?" I heard that voice which has been making my knees go weak.

I turned around.

"Yea, I should be going earlier." I said.

He nodded.

"I'll drop you till the airport." He said.

"No, it's okay, you have Vincent to meet today right?" I asked.

"He can't wait. I'm dropping you, be down in 5." He declared and left the room.

I sighed.

He's never gonna stop ordering, is he?


I smiled has I took my bags and walked downstairs.

I saw Marcus and Blaze talking.

"Hey Marcus!" I chirped.

He just looked at me and nodded.

"Marcus will be accompanying you to London." Blaze announced.

"I- what? Why?" I asked.

"Safety purposes." He replied.

"Blaze, I've said this before. I can look after myself very well. I don't need you to send people to look after me." I explained.

"This topic isn't up for a debate Olivia. Vincent has been taken in, but we aren't sure if we can stop the attack. I'm not letting you go alone. I will be joining once I'm done with my meeting with the Spanish mafia." He said.

His Path Of RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now