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Olivia's POV:

We were back in New york. Things had gotten more than awkward between me and Blaze ever since Greece. We weren't entirely ignoring each other or anything but only spoke when required. The sexual tension was bugging me too much.

We were all over the newspapers and social media sites. There were headlines like 'Has the multi-millionaire and America's most eligible bachelor Blaze Knight found his love intrest in UK's top model Olivia White? The couple for seen a few times on the airport together.' or stuff like, 'Blaze Knight and Olivia White are rumoured to be connected romantically. The pair have been together in NYC for a while now.' My PA was non-stop getting calls from all the newspaper and news channels. I wonder if Blaze is getting too?

I'll talk to him in the evening about it.

At the moment I was at work, in my cabin going through some deals we need to sign with few new brands.

My phone rang.

Mom calling...

Nice. Good timing. Let's get this done once and for all.

I picked up my phone.

"Hey Mom!" I tried to be as casual as possible.

"Hey!" Mom said sweetly.

"Whatsup?" I asked.

"The usual. I'm at work. I wanted a little break so decided to take a walk and thought of calling you." Mom said.

"Oh? How's dad?" I asked.

"Dad's all well, busy with work. All though him and me have been wondering something." Mom sounded serious.

Here we go.

"Eh? About what?" I questioned.

"Don't play coy Livvie, you know what I'm talking about." Mom stated.

I sighed.

"What do you wanna know mom?" I'll have to tell her either way.

"Livvie...when? How?" Mom asked.

"Um, well, we kinda met for a brand shoot. Started talking and talking and...well talking. Things got better and we started hanging out more. I kept it to myself because I wasn't sure and stuff. He then asked me out after 3 months I said yes and is history." I explained.

"Livvie, how'd you hide from the media for so long?" Mom questioned.

"Well...we barely hung out because of our schedules but kinda made time on video calls and stuff." I said.

Mom sighed.

"As long as you're happy. I'm good. However your dad...I'm not sure. Talk to him whenever you have time." Mom said.

"Yea, I will." I assured.

"Livvie?" Mom called.

"Yea?" I queried.

"You're happy right?" Mom asked.

Honestly, I don't know mom. He forced me into a lot of things he practically has gun pointed on both your heads but there's something about him that gets to me and I seem to forgive him for everything. He's so arrogant but there's this sweet side of him which I saw a few times and it melts my heart everytime I look into those caramel eyes. I don't know.

"Of course I'm happy mom. He's amazing." I lied.

Mom chuckled.

"Alright, get back to work I won't take anymore time. Bye." Mom said.

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