Chapter 51

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Blaze's Pov:

''Greta I have reminded you time and again to keep your uncanny feelings about that stone to yourself. We can't stop things just because that solid thing started shining brighter than usual. The stone already as it is, is obnoxious, you guys come up with all these weird as fuck theories and make it complicated. There are 100 other things we all have to worry about, stop giving that goddamn thing so much importance." I said, coldly.

I had returned home in time to get ready for the fundraiser and I see everyone surrounding that burden with worried faces. When I'm informed about what actually has happened, I get pissed. As it is, Livvie is mad obsessed with that stone, slightest of these unearthly stories worries her. This is the reason I never wanted to come back with this stone of the first place.

"Blaze, all I'm saying shift the dates of the fundraiser to some other day. You know what happened the last time-" I cut her off.

"Greta, that's enough." I stopped her.

She sighed.

"Whatever you guys do, just please make sure everything is fine." She said and left the house.

"Blaze I think-" I cut her off too.

"Olivia, we both have a reputation to uphold. I'm not making changes in this plan just because all of y'all are having a strong believe on some stupid superstition." I made myself clear.

"Fine, I'll go get ready." She said defeated.

She got up and left to get ready.

I just stared at the stone that if, shines any brighter, everybody will go blind.


We had reached the place where the fundraiser was going to take place. It was in an open ground in Brooklyn. A lot of our allies and some business partners were here. We wanted to avoid media but that wasn't really possible considering the amount of big names present here, besides this is mine and Olivia's first big event together.

The whole of TBM was present too.

It was past half an hour and Olivia was just looking at the girls playing around and everything else. she hadn't uttered a word and it had started to worry me.

"Livvie?" I called her out.

She turned towards me with a questioning look.

"You haven't said a word, are you okay?" I asked, worry clearly laced in my voice.

She just looked at me and smiled.

Honestly, there was something different about that look. It was as if she looked at me with all the love in her heart. A look that held so much adoration and respect. A look that held pride. A look I craved to see from literally anyone in this world.

She slowly caressed my cheeks.

"I'm so proud of you." She whispered.

My heart almost stopped beating for a solid second.

I had never, ever heard anyone say that to me. Not dad, not mom, not flora, literally no one at all.

Agreed no one would ever say that to me for the dirty business but no one close to me atleast also ever said that to me for becoming the business-man I am. Not that I ever expected it, considering the type of person I was.

"W-why?" I stuttered.

She made a face that said 'are you blind or what?'

"Look around Blaze. Look around those little girls, do you not see how happy and healthy they are?how safe they feel? how free they are. This is all because of you. You've saved innocent lives, infact, they say kids are god's gift. You've protected his gift. Among all your good achievements, this one, by far, is and will always be my favourite." She said.

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