Chapter 53

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Blaze's Pov:
I had no clue what was happening between me and Livvie. She wasn't even bothered to sort it out. I on the other hand, tried, a lot, but every conversation turned into an ugly argument. At this point I'm just thinking had I really lost my cool? had I really been so cold to her? because this was very unusual of her. She would never let any of our fights stretch to such stretch.

I would be lying if I said I hadn't thought that she was giving up on me, on us.

The thought alone sent a chilling shiver down my spine. All the times I tried to sort things out, it was that thought that convinced me to do so.

She thinks I'm just being jealous or whatever. Agreed, I am, but the way she stopped me from killing that guy and the way she showed care for him would raise questions in anyone's mind. I had all the right to know the reason. She won't even tell me why, how the fuck do I keep my calm?

Weeks had past now, we were still in the same situation. She resumed her work normally and I followed my  normal routine like everything was fucking normal. When in reality we were nowhere close to normal.

It was Friday today. We were all at the HQ since morning. We had few leads on Emmanuel. Everyone was working their ass off. We found one of the 5 main houses he is at. I made a very impromptu decision of destroying it. In few hours everything was ready and by early evening I had the skulls of few of his men in my hands which I obviously sent to him. 2 men who were in interrogation right now and the rest for dead.

Since we had done lot for today. Everyone decided to call it a day once we were back from the mission. Right now I was in my study staring at some file about the upcoming drug deal with the Italians. It is something Dante agreed to in the past few months. Before he had shipments from Brazil directly from the TBM cartel. However, from the past few months we were low on certain drugs since the locals have been wanting them in bulk and they were also being transported on large scales. After Brazil, our mafia were the standalone biggest exports for drugs. Hence, Dante and I allied for this deal. Surprisingly it was going smoothly so far.

A knock on the door made me snap out of my thoughts.

Greta had left early today. I don't remember having a visitor either.

Who can it be?

I held my gun in a steady way beneath the table.

"Come in." I said.

The door opened and there stood Olivia...all dressed up? and since when does she knock?

"I, um, I'm leaving for my shoot in Paris. My flight is in 2 hours." She said.

What the fuck? what shoot?

"What shoot?" I asked.

"I'm a model if you've forgotten." She said.

"Of course. Why bother telling me at all?" I questioned staring back at the files.

"Didn't want you to worry." She replied.

"Do I look like I care?" I asked.

She didn't say anything for few seconds and I swear I could see from my peripheral vision that tears had welled up in her eyes.

"Right. Sorry." She and left.








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